"Dad said something similar- he said not to be purposely spiteful, but I shouldn't be best friends with you... Said I should try my best to beat you at everything, said it was a good thing I inherited his brains!" The two fell about laughing again. "He's a bit vain you see...."

"Oh don't worry, if my Mum wasn't who she is, then I have no doubt that's something my dad would say!" Rose explained. The two talked, and got to know each other better- realising that, yes, it was their parents' fault, because the other person was actually really nice! They also realised they had a lot in common, why were they ever so harsh towards each other? Before they knew it, it was three o'clock.

"Merlin, Rose! We've been here for three hours!" Scorpius laughed, after checking his watch

"We should meet up again" Rose smiled "It's been a lot more fun than I imagined, but...." Rose trailed off, Scorpius looked confused, and slightly hurt "No, Scorpius it's not like I didn't have fun, I really enjoyed it, it's just that, if any of my cousins find out- with the possible exception of Al- then they will tell their parents or possibly my father, and I can't have him know..."

"Oh, that's alright Rose, I understand, it's probably best none of my friends find out either- I can't say my father will be best pleased either..." Scorpius thought for a moment, before continuing "How about we keep this our little secret- yeah? We go back to our old ways during the day, but at night, we can organise to meet up and we can be friends!"

"It'll be like living a double life! I love it!" Rose laughed "But we shouldn't do it every night- especially not if we're staying this late!" Scorpius nodded in agreement.

"Yeah... how about I owl you in a couple days and we can meet up here?" Scorpius asked

"Perfect!" Rose nodded. The two said their goodbyes, and Rose picked up the invisibility cloak and hiding herself before leaving the room and heading back to her dorm.

Over the next year the two became very close. By almost six months after their first meeting they were meeting almost every other day, they loved the thrill of sneaking out at night almost as much as they loved each other's company. They kept to their old ways during the day, and nobody knew but themselves. They had a great year, and Rose would say possibly her best. However, ten months after their first meeting, things started to change...


Rose burst out of the room of requirement in tears. She almost forgot to put the invisibility cloak back on- but she managed to do so just as a Hufflepuff prefect came waltzing by. She was full of emotion: shock, anger, disgust, resentment, despair.... but most of all, she was devastated. She couldn't believe it. She practically ran back to the Gryffindor Tower, and she was glad that she knew the way off by heart because she couldn't see a thing. She ran straight for her bed, but she didn't sleep for one second that night. She cried and cried and cried, but not one of the girls woke up- what use would that be? She couldn't tell them why. She wanted to wake Albus, or Lily- but she couldn't do that either. She was stuck with crying to herself all night. At half five she calmed herself and cleared her face of any signs of tears- for fear she would have to tell any of the girls when they woke. She was dreary for the rest of the year- though that was only one month. She barely even spoke to Albus, and she kept out of Scorpius' way.


Rose frequently gained owls, as she had in her third year- these letters were, too, from Scorpius- but this time they contained something much different. Apology after apology was burnt in the Gryffindor common room fireplace- Scorpius' curly writing almost falling off the page as it became ash. Rose tried to avoid the boy- but she knew that was impossible, Gryffindors and Slytherins shared the majority of their classes, and Rose always found herself next to him, listening to him whisper "I'm sorry" or "Please listen to me" over and over. But Rose wouldn't. Wouldn't accept his apology, nor would she accept what the rat had to say. They began to argue- much worse than they had done in previous years. All year, Rose was bombarded with apology letters, apology gifts, apology words- but she didn't accept any of them, and most things were burnt. Rose only got angrier, more annoyed, more upset. She started crying every night. However, by the end of the year she had cured herself of that, and cured herself of any self-pity she had for herself- Scorpius was evil, and she hated him- that's all she felt now.


Scorpius had spent his fourth year apologising to Rose- trying to get her to see reason. But by fifth year he gave up on that. He, too, grew angry, and annoyed. And he retaliated in Rose's arguments- something he hadn't done once the previous year. The two bickered relentlessly, every day and all the time- whenever they came within seeing-distance of each other they argued. They started duelling- and they got in a lot of trouble; which meant detention, which meant spending |more| time together, which meant they got even more angry with each other. There was nothing anyone could do- they were basically what Rose and Scorpius' books described as 'mortal enemies'- and it was getting dangerous.

They spend the remained of their Hogwarts experience in that way towards each other. It wasn't good- but their friends (and the remainder of Rose's family who were at Hogwarts) managed to distance them as much as possible. The two still never told anybody what had gone on between them. Nobody knew the true meaning between their insanely large arguments, they all thought the hate their parents had fuelled for each other only grew with their maturity- and they preferred to keep it that way- but everybody knew they were arguing. Everybody. Their bickering wasn't even confined within the walls of Hogwarts, parents were notified of their arguments through their children. The adults who lived and worked in Hogsmeade heard about it, saw it, heard it. It wasn't good, and they were more than glad to escape their arguments when they graduated Hogwarts. And Rose was very thankful for never having to see him again- so she thought.

A/N Hope you liked! I think this chapter is the longest so far! 2.6K words! If you enjoyed the chapter please vote! And comment what you think their big argument was at the end of their third year! See you next week!

-Elise x

What's In A Name? {Harry Potter, Next Gen, Scorose Fanfiction} (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن