She had a talent for dueling

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J.K. Rowling called Ginny a "gifted witch" who did "some pretty impressive stuff here and there." There is evidence throughout the Harry Potter series that Ginny could more than hold her own in a duel. In Order of the Phoenix she overpowered Draco Malfoy in Umbridge's office, and held her own in the Department of Mysteries. Her Bat Bogey Hex against Zacharias Smith was so impressive that it inspired Slughorn to recruit her into his Slug Club (thanks to Ron's exclusion, we know that he didn't choose her for her pedigree, so that must have been one powerful spell).

It's worth noting that Malfoy and Smith were the year above Ginny and should therefore have been more magically advanced, yet Ginny trounced them. Even George Weasley noted his sister's skill with a wand, telling Harry, "Size is no guarantee of power, look at Ginny." If the twins were even a little intimidated, then she must be doing something right.

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