We're Going on an Adventure

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Today is Monday morning the weather was fine. We are going to Japan and UK. I've packed up my bags yesterday it's what I have been doing. I prepared everything last week and our flight is today. I hope they are prepared.

My phone rang.

"Hello" I said

"Oh Wren can you pick me up?" Bella asked

"Sure. Where?"

"My house"

"Is Mariel there with you?"

"No she said she'll meet us at the airport"

"Okay we'll be there by 10am" I said



Okay time to put Alexa incharge of my house.

"Alexa come here" I said

"Why?" She asked

"I'm gonna put you incharge of this house for three days straight" I said

"Where are you going?" She asked curiously

"I'm going to Japan with the girls" I said

"Can I come?" She said

"No you can't I planned this for the three of us only" I said

"Yeah fine whatever" She said

"Okay now I'm putting you incharge. No parties. No going to my room. No going down the basement and don't remove anything from it's proper place" I said

"Can I invite my friends over?"

"Yes but don't run around the house. Don't do anything stupid" I said

"Okay. Yes ma'am" She said as she saluted me

I called Chris and asked him if he could drive us to the airport and he said 'yes'. He said he'll be here in 5 minutes. I brought my bags down. I was waiting for him to come. He's here.

"Okay bye Alexa I'm going now" I said

"Bye Wren. I'm going to miss you" She said as she hugged me

"Me too" I said

Chris knocked.

"Okay I have arrived" He said ruining the moment

"Nobody cares" Alexa said

"You're rude" He said

"Wow calm down guys" I said "Okay Chris let's go"

"Bye Alexa"

"Bye Wren"

Chris loaded my bags in the car. We entered the car and then headed first to Bella's house. After we fetched her. We headed to the airport. There we saw Mariel with a guy, Nick. Aww that's so sweet.

"Hey looks there is Mariel" I said

"Wait don't head there let's wait for them to finish" Chris said

"Aww that's so sweet" Bella said

After Mariel and Nick were done with their whatever they are doing. They came over.

"Hey guys you ready" Mariel said

"Of course, I say bring it on" Bella said all fired up

"So you guys have your passports and tickets" I said

"Yup" They said

"Let's go to our plane now" I said

"Mariel let's go!" Bella shouted

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