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The next day I beared my teeth in preparation for my morning punch from Bucky. To my surprise, he and his followers weren't waiting for me outside the school. Maybe they're going to shock me inside and give me a wedgie as well? I could picture the scenario; my Superman boxers hanging from Bucky's finger as I'm left suspended in mid-air. And just to rub it in, Steve would probably walk round the corner.

Lost in my pool of thought, I walked through the student entrance and straight into Tony. Our heads collided and I felt a rush if adrenaline as our lips met in the moment. I stepped back from the impact, trying to regain my bearings. Tony hurried past me, keeping his eyes locked firmly to the floor. For some reason, I managed to get myself lost on the way to class. Even on the first day of school, I didn't get lost once. I systematically made my way to the nurse's office.

I must have looked pretty washed out because she sat me down and got me a glass of water, constantly asking if I felt faint or dizzy at all. I tried to say thank you but my tongue was tied. It felt like my brain had been tied as well. "Bruce, you know I'm here for mental health as well as physical help don't you?" I watched a smile cover her kind, round face. I nodded and sipped some more of the water. She brought another chair over and sat opposite me.

"Being in senior school can be confusing for people your age. It's full of new choices and also new experiences. If you ever need to talk to someone but you don't know who, that's why I'm here ok? Other than to patch you up from the bullying." She giggled and I also laughed. The nurse then noticed the large egg-shaped lump forming on my forehead from where I had collided with Tony.

"Oh what a nasty mark! Was that a bully Bruce?" My mind went blank as I replayed the moment back in my mind. I felt as if I was genuinely back in that moment in time, and I called out his name. The nurse gave me a concerned look and shine alight into my eyes. "Tony," I said. "It was Tony," I pointed to the lump on my head and said his name once more. The nurse sighed and told me to stay put.

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