"You've gone off the deep end man."

Start from the beginning

Forcing herself to look forwards, a distant look overcame her usual sparkling eyes. “What did we get ourselves into Kelsey?” Carly whispered, tears falling down her cheeks as she sniffled, her shoulders falling in defeat as the pressure came down on her.

“Carly… don’t go there. Okay? We already talked about this. Everything’s going to be fine—”

“How do you know that?” Carly exclaimed as she pushed me away, standing to her feet, “Huh? How do you know that when the guys go after those douchebags they won’t die? How do you know that they won’t hurt us?” She screeched and I could see it in her eyes… she was breaking.

Hesitantly I got to my feet, keeping a fair amount of space between us. “I don’t know, okay? I don’t know anything but what I do know is that John loves you and would do anything to protect you! Same goes for Justin. They wouldn’t let anyone touch us. They rather die than to have us take their place. You know that so why are you suddenly freaking out?”

“I’m not used to this!” Carly threw her arms in the air, her cheeks streaked with tears, “I don’t know what to do or how to act…” Running her hands through her hair, Carly tightly closed her eyes, “This has never happened to me before. John would just go and do business and then he’d come home. I was out of harm’s way! Now all of a sudden everything is changing and I don’t know what to do…” Letting her hands drop to her sides, Carly looked at me with pained eyes, “I don’t know what to do…” She repeated in a hushed whisper.

Knowing exactly where she was coming from, I felt my heart constrict as I took a few cautious steps towards her, “You can’t do this to yourself… thinking will only making it worse. What happens from here on out is not in our hands, okay?” Stopping in front of her, I felt my throat close, “I spent way too much of my life being afraid and I’m done. I can’t sit there and drive myself crazy thinking about what will happen if this happens or that happens.” Shaking my head, I latched my teeth onto my bottom lip, “All we can do is trust that they know what they are doing and won’t do anything to jeopardize that.”

Letting out a scoff of disbelief, Carly laid her back against the wall, her tired eyes resting on mine. “How can you be so calm about this all? Didn’t you hear John? They’re not after them but us too…”

“If we let them get inside our heads then we might as well just give up now.” I inquired softly, “They want us to be scared. They want us to have our heads in the clouds so that it makes it that much more easier to take control. We can’t let that happen no matter how scared we are.”

Letting it all sink in, Carly slumped back against the wall, sliding down until her butt hit the floor. Burying her head in her hands, silence overcame the room. “I’m sorry.” She mumbled quietly though I heard her loud and clear as if she had yelled it out. “I don’t know what’s gotten into me…”

“Fear does that to you sometimes.” Sharing a smile, I sighed following my best friend as I sat down beside her, bringing my knees up to my chest as I looked over at her through droopy eyes, “You’re not alone in this, okay? Not only do you have John but you have me too. I’m not going anywhere.”

Sniffling, Carly looked over at me and for the first time since I’d seen her tonight, she looked relieved as if a burden had been lifted off her shoulders. Wiping under her eyes, Carly nodded her head in acknowledgement, “Thank you.” She whispered, “For everything… I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“What are best friends for?” Opening my arms, I pulled her into a hug, feeling at ease for the first time in my life. “I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you too.” Pulling away, Carly faced me entirely, crossing her legs over like a pretzel. “I was hoping to try and get some girl time in earlier tonight but John refused saying that Justin had something important to do with you or something.” Shrugging, she waved her hand dismissively, “Though I’m sure it was just a lie to make sure I keep put.”

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