"You're a piece of work, you know that?"

Start from the beginning

Wincing at his words, I shook my head, pushing the thought from my mind. I refuse to imagine him younger than he was with a bullet inside of him, “Don’t.” I hissed.

“You’re going to have to move past it sooner or later.” He pointed out monotonously as his eyes watched me move around the room, throwing clothes aside carelessly as I tried to find my outfit for the day. I doubt I’d look presentable in class with a pair of checkered pajama shorts and a lose V-neck.

“Yeah? Well I choose later.” I mumbled irritably, deciding on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt that had the word “Harvard” written across it in big, bolded, matted letters. Undressing myself, I pulled on each article of clothing before slipping my feet in a pair of moccasins.

“Spencer will drive you.” Justin spoke up, nearly startling me as I forgot he was there to begin with. The silence was so thick you could practically hear a pin drop.

“I can drive myself.”

“You can’t and you won’t. Don’t make this harder than it has to be Kelsey.” Justin growled from where he lay and I knew then that I was pushing his buttons.

Refusing to meet his eyes, I gave up trying to fold my shirt as I fisted it in my hands against the dresser, “Maybe if you’d lay off trying to control everything in my life right now, I wouldn’t have to make anything hard on you.”

“We’ve already discussed this! Why can’t you just let it go?” He exasperated with a roll of his head backwards in exhaustion, “Nothing’s safe for us right now.”

“Nothing’s ever safe nor will it ever be! But I want to live my life Justin. I can’t just be kept inside this house all day long with the only few hour’s school gives me to get out.” I pounded my foot to the floor like a child not getting her way but I couldn’t help it, I was being stubborn.

“Would you rather be laying here with a bullet wound instead?” He barked causing me to jump from the amount of force he put behind his words.

Closing my eyes, I bowed my head in embarrassment. I knew he’d rather die than to have anything ever happen to me, “No.” I whispered.

Running a hand up through his hair, Justin sat up in bed, his legs thrown over the side of it. “Look, I’m sorry okay? I know you’re upset and you have every right to be but I’m trying my hardest right now. You gotta work with me, okay?”

Opening my mouth to say something, I closed it, knowing it was best if I didn’t say anything at all. Tucking my hair behind my ears, I bit my lip, glancing over at him. Without a word, I nodded my head, “Okay,” I murmured quietly, grabbing my bag off of the floor next to the bed before making my way towards the front door.

“Wait,” Brushing his hand against mine for a split second before grabbing it, Justin held it firmly in his own.

Turning, confused, I was taken back when he tugged me forwards until my body was held in between his legs. Gasping out of mock surprise, I stared up at him with wide eyes as he stood. My lips parted the moment Justin cupped my hands, layering his lips over mine in a feverish kiss.

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