"No time for confusion or curious stares. Just fix her up before she shifts back. She seems confused and intimidated." I order.

A low growl is heard the moment I say the word intimidated.

Intimidated! If anything they should be the ones intimidated! I may be small but I can be vicious when I want to be.

I suddenly feel myself be held down by the man named Derek. I'd never admitt it but I begin to get scared and thrash around when I see the woman come in with a shiny, pointy stick. It pricks my skin and I begin to feel more relaxed.

The women starts to touch my wound, but I make no move to stop her, I can't feel a thing.

My eyes look down at my bloody and bruised foot. I see the open flesh sew itself together and the purple color on my ankle begins to disappear. That is the last thing I see before black dots cover my vision.

She fainted! My mate looked at her foot and fainted!

Or maybe it had something to do with what the nurse gave her... I think to myself.

"Nurse!" I yell, not daring to take my eyes off my mate.

"Yes Alpha." She sighs as she enters the room, but once she sees my mate unconscious on the bed her eyes widen. "Oh dear!"

"What's that suppose to mean?" I growl out.

I need to calm down. I think to myself. I take a deep breath and continue. "What did you give my mate?"

Her eyes flicker between my mate and I in a small state of panic, but no answer. I'm starting to get irritated. I think groaning and trying to ease up my brows.

"I'm waiting for an answer." I say calmly.

"J-just a drug to relieve the pain while it heals." She stutters nervously.

I give a forced smile, "See, now that wasn't so hard."

"What happened while I was gone." She asks now sitting at the edge of the bed looking at my mate with concern.

"She looked at her foot and, well," I end my sentence by gesturing my hand over my mate's body.

She giggles, "Oh, that's fine."

I give her a confused look, silently asking her to explain.

"Well, when I was younger I dislocated my arm and when the doctor snapped it back into place it began healing on it's own." She giggles once again. "I fainted after watching the gruesome sight of it."

She moves the hair from my mates face, causing me to growl out of my protective instincts. I don't like my mate being touched in such a vulnerable state. Her head snaps my way in fear along with her hand flinching back."Uh, sorry. Just instinct." I apologize awkwardly.

She smiles in what I assume is understanding. "I'm guessing she's either never broken a bone in her body, or just has never watched herself heal." She explains. "Your mate will be fine. She should be up soon."

I nod in acknowledgement because I can't take my eyes off the beauty in bed.

My eyes adjust to the dim lighting of the room. What happened? How long have I been asleep?

The thoughts swarming through my head are put to a halt when I feel warmth on my back. I slightly turn my head to see Mr. Forestm- Derek have his arm draped around my waist.

He looks so peaceful. I think to myself. His mouth is open ajar with small snores escaping him, and every once in a while he inches his face closer to my neck. Him continuously trying to get closer to me makes his hair tickle my neck. I end up giggling from the feeling and his snores halt to a stop, my giggles stop immediately.

What were once soft snores turn into a pur. The vibrations it gives my back relaxes me, making me lean into his warmth more, but that's where I snap out of my daze.

I need to get out of here, I can't stay. If I stay, it's just a reminder of what happened to my family. I think determinedly.

My main priority is seeing if I'm healed, I check my...my...oh yeah, feet! I'm able to wiggle my toes and move it around, that's all I really need to do, I think. The strong arm that is draped over me tightens like a snake, the more I try to pull free.

I stop trying to break free, and lay there thinking of another way to break free. Oh, I know!

My eyes close and my breathing slows as I begin to shift. In a few seconds everything around me is bigger and the tight grip around me becomes loose enough for me to get free.

The moment I jump off of the bed the purs of contentment turn into growls of anger or...warning? I run for the rectangle thing that I know is an exit, but that's when I realize I can't get through it. My second thought of escape is the thing with curtains on it, but just as I run towards it I get tackled next to the bed. In fear, I accidentally shift back into my human form. Well, half way.

"Where, do you think you're going?" Derek asks calmly.

It takes a bit of effort, but I manage to croak out, "Away from...here." My chest begins to pant from the effort of trying to speak, and his eyes begin to roam there before he shuts them tightly, only to open them again. This time they stay on my face.

His grip tightens around my wrist which he pinned on each side of my head, and his legs are tangled with my own. Both preventing me from escape. I'm oddly aware that he's only in blue...sleeping pants? No, that doesn't sound right. Oh well, I'll figure it out later.

"Why do you keep running away from me?" Derek asks with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Although there's no emotion in his voice, his eyes look filled with hurt as he stares down at me.

My voice hurts too much to speak again, but I can't stand seeing that look on his face. I slip one hand from his grip and rest it on his cheek. "I...can't stay. I've forgotten how to live this w...ay. Too much memories of...my-" I cut myself off by having a coughing fit.

I shouldn't have tried speaking so much at once. I think to myself.

He expression turns worried and he looks around the room before passing me a glass of water that rested on the dresser at the other side of the bed. I drink it in three big gulps and wipe my lips.

"If I understand what you said correctly, you don't know how to live an average human life?" He clarifies.

I nod.

He takes hold of my small hands in his larger ones. "Then let me teach you." He begs.

Maybe I can try. For him.

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