Epilogue (^.^)

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Three Years later:

Gab and I have been dating for three years now.

Mer went to Mcguil in Montreal and turns out Neal was also going there, so they hung out a lot. They were both majoring in english. Gwen and Shelby both moved to New York. Gwen wanted to be an actress and she did. She got a role for a certain movie that I forgot what it was called. Shelly wanted to be a singer and she was going to sign her solo record soon with a company which I don't remember the name. I know, I was such a bad best friend for not remembering things. Both of my friends were really talented.

Mer and Michael broke up just before graduation. Michael was going to boston and Mer couldn't do distance relationship which lead to their break up. Gwen and Harry were still dating. Harry had gotten a scholarship in Toronto but it didn't matter about the distance. Someone always flew in to met the other person. It was cute. Shelby and Matt, god, they took it to the next step and got engaged. Yes, you read that right, ENGAGED. Everyone was in shock but it sucked in. We were all happy for them and couldn't wait for their weddinng which was in like, two years, when Matt finished his bachelor degree in computer science. As for me and Gab we were still going strong. Gab and I both got into the same university. I was majoring in psychology as he was in law. We hadn't plan on going to the same university at first. It just came out when we were talking. He said he wanted to go to Ottawa University and I exclaimed I was aiming for there too. Which was a miracle because I don't think some couples would do that. We weren't perfect though, we fought sometimes over stupid stuff but always made up with... you know.

Since we all went to different Unis or City, we all decided to at least chill for a day or two in our hometown. Tomorrow, Gab and I were driving back to Kitchener for that. All of us were going back to hang out. And I couldn't wait.

"I can't sleep," I murmured to Gab. By the sound of his breathing I could tell he was already asleep.

"Gab," I nudged him in the stomach making him wince.

"Joe, are you serious?"

"Yes, I am. I can't sleep."

He yawaned and rubbed his eye. With my hand, I carassed his jaw. He used to have a beard. He wanted to look older but I told him to shave it. He looked funny with it. I brought his lips to mine and kiss him tenderly and passionately. I pulled away.

"I was thinking about what happened in all these three years."

"Three years have gone by in a blink of an eye, right?" I nodded.

"Wanna go for a quickie?" He wiggled his eyebrows. I playfully slapped him, gently, making him chuckle.

"Go back to sleep," I ordered.

"Okay, goodnight."

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too."


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