Sweet as Sugar

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A/N: This was writen for a competition for English class of who can get the most votes for their story, so I'd appreciate it very much if you did!! Thank you!! =]

Inspired by The Stranger by Albert Camus. Well, the first sentence actually.

Mother died today.

Around two minutes ago, in fact.

The bloody knife is still in my clenched hand, knuckles going white in shock.

I killed her. No, really, I did it. It used to only be a fantasy --one of those thoughts you have whilst lying in bed, waiting for the sandman to sprinkle sleeping dust over your eyes-- but now, it's reality.

My dark blue skinny jeans and white graphic t-shirt are splattered with crimson red blood, my light blue flip flops and sparkly painted toes matches the rest of my outfit.

There's a large stab wound in the middle of her abdomen, blood staining her pale grey designer blouse.

Darlene --I disowned her as my mother a while ago-- lay on her right hand side, arms touching the wooden floor. Her legs are slightly bent. Darlene's dark brown hair is matted with quickly drying blood.

The scarlet liquid gushes out freely, and begins to stain the white living room carpeting.

Oh no! Evidence!

I grab her black-strappy-heeled feet and drag her away from the rug. Her lifeless head bumped against the antique oak desk.

I froze when I heard the noise.

"Ohh Jenna! That's wonderful!" Darlene exclaimed and wrapped my twin sister in a hug. But not a bone-crashing one, since that might damage her new plastic-surgeried body and wrinkle her expensive grey skirt suit.

The reason for her outburst was that Jenna had brought home yet another 'A+' filled report card. Oh joy.

I began to walk away from their little 'mother-daughter' scene, when Darlene called me.

"Melissa, what did you get?" She asked and I shuddered at the sound of my full name. Her voice was laced heavily with fake interest.

"I know they're not as wonderful," Darlene glanced at a smirking Jenna. "But I still want to know."

I reached into my black shoulder bag and revealed a small brown envelope. Darlene snatched it, long artificial nails nearly scraping my skin.

Jenna and 'my mum' scanned through my report, Darlene's made-up face slowly losing its smile.

"What?" I asked irritably. I saw my grades before, and they're pretty good, all 'B's and two 'A's.

"Oh nothing..." Darlene murmured in a strained voice. Her manicured nails poking holes in the official Rosenburg High School paper.

"Whatever." I shrugged and walked up the grand stairs to the second storey of our huge mansion-like house. I turned into the third door in the well-lit corridor. The first room was my dad and Darlene's room, and the second my sister.

My room had pale blue walls, with a dark wooden framed bed against the wall, opposite the large windows. The other main furniture was an off-white closet and dresser, piled high with random accesories and make-up. A desk was also there, with an Acer laptop on top of it, plus random papers.

I collapsed on my queen-sized bed, took out my purple iPod from my pocket and listened to music while playing with the silver embroidery on the blue duvet.

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