"Yea I get it" he walked back to his car with his head down.

"Monday!" I yelled.

"Monday" he mumbled giving me a fake smile. I felt horrible soon as I closed the door.

"How was the date!" My mom came out of no where causing me to jump.

"Okay" I walked upstairs to my room.

"Just okay?!" I heard her yell.

I wished it was Meek who took me out instead of August. After I took my shower, I put on a sports bra and some shorts.

I was bored like always so I called Meek hoping he'll answer. Then I got a idea to get him to come over.

"What yo?" He finally answered after a couple of rings.

"Meek" I faked sobbed into the phone.

"What's wrong Nick?" He sounded sincerely concerned, which made me feel bad.

"I-I" then I started to talking gibberish into the phone, still fake sobbing.

"You home?" He asked in a hurry, I heard shuffling in the background.

"Y-yes!" I whimpered, oh my gosh he's going to be so mad when he get here.

"Unlock the door I'm on my way" then he hung.

It wasn't long before he bust through my front door and pulled me into a hug since I was standing the the hallway waiting for him. I wrapped my arms tightly around his torso, this is probably the only hug I'm a get from him so I'm a make it memorable.

He took my face in between his large hands and look me straight in my eyes.

"Why was you cryin'?" I bit my lip, looking over the features of his face.

"I-" then he dropped his hands from my face.

"It wasn't shit wrong with you huh?" I shook my head in shame, I heard him suck his teeth.

"Why the fuck you lie?" I shrugged, looking down fumbling with my hands.

"Nicki look at me" I lifted my head up and looked straight in his eyes.

"Why you lie to me?" He asked again more calmly.

"I wanted to see you, please don't go" I said sadly.

"Come here" he held out his arms and I ran right into them.

"I'm sorry I lied Meek, I just wanted to see you and I know if I didn't have a reason why you wanted come" I said into his chest.

"It's cool Nick" he said, but then gripped my pony tail and yanked my head back making me look up at him. "Just don't do that shit again" I nodded soon as he let my hair go.

"Are you hungry?" I asked still holding onto him.

"Yea" and as on cue I heard and felt his stomach growl, so I pulled him into the kitchen and go out some leftover spaghetti that my mom made.

"Do you want a lot or?" He nodded his head, watching me carefully like he was trying to figure me out.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked after I put his plate in the microwave, slamming it loudly. Good thing my mom is at work.

"Because I can" he replied smartly. I wanted to ask why was he so mean to me but I didn't because I didn't want to start something and then he leaves.

So I ignored him and got his plate and sat it in front of him giving him a front in the process. He started eating his food taking his time, so I took the opportunity to actually take a good look at him.

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