Chapter 3

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It was Friday and I was going out with August today we have been talking since that day in the hallway, he's funny, very open and creative I should say. I know I should be excited to go out with him but I'm not. Meek has been ignoring me every time I hang out with them, he'll act like I'm not there. When I speak to him he'll look me in my face and keep walking, and I cried. Bey told me to not worry about him, give him the same treatment he's giving me but I can't do that to him.

I was in the living dressed in some jeans and a v-neck with some Jordan's since August told me to dress casual. My mom was happy when I told her about August, she was more excited than I was. Probably because it wasn't Meek.

My mom went to go open the door when she heard the door bell ring.

"Hi August, I'm Onika's mother" they shook hands, when he seen me he gave me a hug.

"Be back by 10" my mom yelled before closing the door.

"So where are we going?" I put on my seatbelt soon as he pulled off.

"Go cart racing" he said while smiling.

"Yay I love go carts" I squealed in my seat, getting excited. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

"I thought you would" he smirked.

About 20 minutes later we was standing in line waiting for our turn to go on the go carts. While waiting he was sayings corny jokes that made me laugh because he actually thought they were good.

"Alright alright, I got one more" he said laughing.

"Damn girl what you mixed with goat?" I frowned, not knowing where this was going.

"No?" I replied confused.

"Cause you baaad" he said trying to imitate a goat.

"August that wasn't funny... like at all" still frowning.

"Was you trying to call me ugly or something?" He immediately shook his head.

"It wasn't even like that when I called you "bad" it was suppose to mean that you pretty and stuff like that" he said awkwardly.

"In the future August don't ever say that to another girl" I told him, shaking my head at him.

"Gotcha" when we were talking the line went by fast cause it was our turn.

"Okay ms put this helmet on for your safety" I obeyed the instructors orders. "Make sure you have on your seatbelt, the green pedal is to go and the red one is to stop. Any questions?" Everyone said no.

"On your mark, get set, Go!" When I heard that I took off like never before I was in 3rd place and August was right on my tail, so I swerved in front of him to throw him off which it did.

I ended up coming in first place and they gave me a lolly pop like I was a little kid. I still ate it though.

After we left the go cart place he took me to chick-fil-a because I asked him too. Now we was in front of my door, he was trying to ask me back out again but I told him I'll try to clear my schedule.

"So I guess I'll see you Monday?" He rocking back and forth on his feet.

"Monday" I gave him a tight smile, then he looked at me and I looked at him. I notice him closing his eyes leaning down to give me a give but I hurried and placed my hand over my mouth so he kissed the back of my hand.

"I'm so sorry Nicki- I-I just thought-" I cut him off from his rambling.

"It's fine, August I just don't see you that way you're more of a brother than a boyfriend sorry" Not sorry.

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