Chapter 06 - Kirsten

Start from the beginning

Ugh, finally! Leo was so hard at times; or at least he liked to pretend so. 

"Thank's Lee. By the way, you look hot on this uniform." I kissed his cheek and winked, but he just rolled his eyes and sighed. 

"Cut it off, Kirsten. Just go get your devil and go home before I change my mind." 

I didn't like the way he referred to Tyler as 'devil', but I wasn't going to mess with my luck any more. Leo was starting to rethink all his helpful acts towards Ty and I knew sooner or later he'd stop helping my boyfriend getting off trouble. If it wasn't for Leo, Tyler would probably be in jail for the rest of his life. 

As soon as I reached his cell, he stood up from the floor and stared at me with fire in his eyes while the cop unlocked him. Seconds later, he was by my side, holding my hand tighter than he actually needed to. 

"Why did you take so long?" he whispered between gritted teeth; I could feel his anger already. 

"It's not easy when people have evidences against you. Doesn't help either that you've decided to attack me out in public. Leo was reproachful." 

"Oh, sure. Your friendly brother was the problem." He squeezed me tighter while walking out the office. 

"Yeah, Ty. He's the problem, not you. Not at all." 

His eyes and his body contracting showed his discontent and I knew pretty much what was going to happen in a matter of minutes. 

"At least wait until we get home, unless you wanna spend the rest of the evening in jail." 

My control over him at that moment only drove him crazier. Our walking back home was tense and silent, with Tyler holding my hand all of the time, making sure I wouldn't try to escape nor do anything against him. My muscles started to shake with every inch closer to our place, I was going to pay for misbehaving, and we both knew that. I just hated those days when Tyler was drunk or high, also the days when he was a completely asshole with me. 


"He'd never hurt you before", or that's what Lee thought so. I tried not to scream while Tyler pushed me against the wall way too hard and kneed my stomach. Soon after his fingers curled on the waves of my hair and pulled me down, making sure to pull out a few hairs on my way to the floor. 

The ground was cold pressed against my cheek, and I curved myself into a fetal position while Tyler walked straight to our room and left me there, lying all alone. I knew soon he'd come back waiting for something to eat after all those hours he spent in jail, but for a few moments, I couldn't even think about moving. My head hurt because of the stitches and the earlier injury also caused by Tyler, and that sh—t hurt like hell. 

I looked for the pot of tablets inside my jacket's pocket and when I finally found it, I removed the lid hurriedly and threw more than one pill on my mouth all at once; I'd need that by now. After a few long minutes just lying there, I got to stand up and walk to the kitchen, where the clock marked over 1am. 

The pills started making effect, and I started feeling dizzy all over again; probably it wasn't only the medicines, but also the fact that that night was being one of the worst. I had to deal with a pervert, Tyler, three rich guys and Officer Lawson, and that was absolutely exhausting, even for me. 

Not mentioning the fact that later that week I'd have to convince Tyler to let me go to Angel's 10th birthday, or at least come with me to it, which wasn't the easiest task to do. But by now, I focused only on doing a tad bit late dinner, and once the food was done, I just threw myself on the couch and with my eyes still closed I heard Ty going to where the smell was coming from. 

It was actually disturbing how he could change from the worst pimp in the world to the sweetest (ok, maybe not the sweetest guy, but the sweetest a guy like Tyler could become) in a matter of minutes. It was all about his mood, and how good smelly my food was, which I found quite amusing. Everyone who looked at him thought he was always rough and rude, but the truth is: he's a completely idiot when we're alone. He's nothing but a boy who needs attention and love to become the loveliest boyfriend someone could ask for. 

"K., babe?" his voice brought me back from my thoughts and just then I realized I was verging on sleep. 

"Mhm?" I mumbled, turning around and wrapping myself on my own arms while sinking my head on the upholstery of the couch. 

"You ok?" his tone of voice was so worried it actually hurt me. I forced myself to turn back to him, and I struggled to keep my eyes open. Holding his head on both of my hands, I pecked his lips and nodded. 

"Doing just fine." 

"I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to push you that roughly at the mall. I was just pissed at that guy you know, he looked at you as if..." his eyes turned darker by the second and I pulled him closer. 

"Shhh, I know." 

His head buried in the crock of my neck and I smiled at him, shutting my eyes again. 

"Dinner was awesome, as usual." He smiled as well, kissing my skin gently and suddenly standing and carrying me on his arms to our room, bridal style. "C'mon, it's late and I don't want you to sleep on the couch." 

Once I was in bed, he cuddled with me and I barely noticed when he started loudly snoring, since I was already too immersed on my own sleep to pay attention to anything else. Exhausted and still feeling a bit of pain in a few places, it didn't take me long to completely lost conscious and sleep all night long.

Not even the rain and the thunders outside were able to wake me up.


●•Author's Note•●

dedication goes to: @prettyfreakincool Glad you like this slow pace babe, it's really necessary for you guys to know a bit more about my characters, which will be really important when Kirsten/Scarlett & Harry start... getting on well. Thanks for believing me and this fanfic, means a lot xx

pic on the sidebar: Finally... This is Tyler :) Idk how you pictured him, but that's how I do. Such a badass but such a cutie at times. Dont hate him yet. Or do, idk.

Note: Yeah, Tyler is bipolar. I mean, not literally, but ... yeah. You'll understand why he's like this later, and though the means do not justify the ends... You'll get why he's such an asshole at times. Be patient ;)

next update: Tuesday (May 7th, 2013)

Best comment gets a dedication on next. 

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