Oh hush I'm just saying hello jealous thing Missy sent in reply, unable to resist an opportunity to mock the Tardis that had been allowed to develop a more inflated sense of their own importance than any Tardis should do.

There was a reason Tardis's of a certain age were retired after all. Age and excessive exposure to time energy led to the development of stubborness and a self-determination that the Time Lords of old had seen sense to realise was problematic for something that was supposed to be a tool. Well Time Lords other than The Doctor, but then he had always been a bit peculiar; he actually preferred to hang around with lessor beings that argued back. So was it any wonder that he would chose and nurture the very independence of mind that saner Time Lords avoided?

The answering hiss from the Tardis actually made Missy chuckle in something almost akin to fondness for the old museum piece. Well at least she had a sense of humour even if her possessiveness of The Doctor was something that irked The Mistress greatly. After all Theta was hers and it was bad enough having to enforce that fact with all the stupid apes he picked up without having to reinforce that message with some uppity collection of broken gears and springs.

Ignoring the Tardis's protests Missy piggybacked on her connection with her Pilot, sighing in pleasure as the warmth of another's thoughts flow into her own mind. The Doctor's mind was refreshingly familiar and uncomplicated for a Time Lord and Missy found it easy to use his ever present connection with the Tardis to bypass the pathetic excuse he had for shields. For a good few moment she simply luxuriated in the pattern of his thoughts amused herself by snooping through them.

He was asleep, not that he seemed to realise it, he must have drifted off in his library his body getting some much needed rest whilst his mind continued on working through everything he had on his mind.

Missy watched as a hidden observer as The Doctor recalled with some discomfort the uncomfortably emotional moment the resurrected version of Danny Pink went down on one knee after his girlfriend...no fiancée had woken up alive and well after The Doctor had disabled the dream crab.

She giggled to herself as he began to mentally rant about having to attend yet another companion's wedding...She almost sympathised as his thoughts coloured with worry, he really didn't have the best track record with weddings, something really did seem to always happen and it was normally his fault. The man was a magnet for trouble.

Yet she couldn't understand his preoccupation with what he was supposed to get as a wedding present, still it seemed to be bothering him and after a quick review of the last few weddings he had attended Missy was beginning to see why. At least here she might be of some use and it was about time she announced her presence. As much fun as it was spying on Thete it wasn't why she was using up this opportunity and it really was more fun showing off when she had an audience

"I would say offer to take them on a honeymoon trip but that didn't work out so well the last time better to just get them a vase...or maybe a bit of glass from Hanon Four?" Missy suggested, laughing out loud as the mental representation of The Doctor was so startled he almost jumped out of his wing backed chair, yet it seemed when his limbs didn't obey him he began to panic and Missy felt a tiny bit guilty. Perhaps she should have knocked first?

"You're dreaming love." She added in a genuine effort to put him at ease.

The Dream Crabs...

"No proper dreaming...asleep in the library dreaming...probably snoring your head off knowing you Thete." Missy replied with a fond note of teasing in her mind voice that she just couldn't hide.

Then how? This wasn't possible The Doctor was certain of it. The Mistress was a powerful telepath but even she couldn't manage this sort of prolonged telepathic contact.

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