Prolouge and Introduction

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Mirabelle Gholson

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Birthdate: 22/05/1461 (Taurus-Gemini cusp)

Birthplace: Paris

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Brown

Hobbies: Sewing, cooking, dancing, singing.

Talents: Sewing, dancing, singing, cooking, climbing, voice changing, escaping, agility.

Strength(s): Kind, fun, cheery, hard to anger, accepting, understanding, caring, loving, romantic.

Weakness(es): Trusts to easily, stubborn, sarcastic, self-indulgent, selfish, possessive, mildly introverted.

Where you live: Court of Miracles

Knight or Damsel?: Both

Greatest Love: Clopin

Love or Money: Both

Biggest Dislike: Selfish and arrogant people who can see nothing wrong with themselves.

Day or night: Dusk

Worst Enemy: Judge Claude Frollo

Goal in life: To live, travel and love.


Watching everything you've ever owned burn is a curious thing. It gives you great satisfaction if you burn it yourself and on purpose. But when somebody else lights everything ablaze for their own psychotic and power hungry purpose, and there's nothing you can do, you just feel grief. Pain, loss, saddness, grief.

That's how I'm feeling right now, as I watch Judge Claude Frollo burn down the home he thinks I'm still inside, tucked up in bed, burning alive. Instead, I stand in the street, wrapped in blankets and hiding what little I could save from the flame. Instead, I watch instead of feel. I burn. Not physically, but I burn. I burn for the day I see the same happen to the 'Great Judge Frollo'.

I burn for him to burn.

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