poor snape

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sorry it took so long and sorry its short

Chapter 5 part 1

(snapes pov)

The morning came altogether too soon and the little sleep I had was intrerupted by the sharp piercing of a headache, after a deep sigh I rose from my warm bed and dressed myself.

The headache attacked then with such crushing force that I closed my eyes and made my way to the kitchen, somehow avoiding  hurting myself in the process.

 I reached the kitchen and had to sit down from the pain of the ache, “acocio head ache reliever” I mumbled and the vial flew into my outstretched hand. I drank the potion and instantaneously felt the pain subside.

 Slowly I opened my eyes to see a wide eyed child staring straight at me with a large smile on her face , her nose a mere inch from my own, causing me to recoil in shock

severus snape and little LillissaWhere stories live. Discover now