[1] Bringing Work Home!

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'beep beep beep,' the sound of his alarm clock chimed on the bedside table.

From the opposite side, the covers pulled off of his naked body, causing a chill to run past his barely covered penis.

"Baby," his husband called to him with his back faced away from the light. The wall covered with glass doors leading to the balcony, had it's curtains left open from yesterday. "C'mon Jacob, get up or you're going to be late."

A weak and exhausted Jacob, snatched some covers on top of himself, falling back asleep. He wasn't well rested enough to get ready for work, instead he wanted to lay in bed all day and save himself the walking around.

A pillow smacked into the side of his face, making Jacob only want to turn his head in his pillow and hide under the covers.

"Jacob, C'mon get up. You know I don't want you here when they come." Carter said rising from the bed, exposing his also bare body. The bathroom door closed and the showered turned on.

Jacob lifted his head up slowly looking at the empty space on the bed, where Carter was once laying. He plopped his head back in his pillow before getting himself out of bed as well. His feet creaked amongst the floor, as he took each step towards the bathroom door.

The tile floor was cold, making him hop onto an area mat by the sink. He opened the medicine cabinet, pulling out an orange bottle with few little pills left inside.


Jacob sighed at the bottle, each day remembering how Carter dragged him to the hospital when he found Jacob sitting on the railing of the balcony. He wasn't going to jump off, he valued his life, but Carter saw other wise and didn't want to take a chance on loosing his lover. The doctor purscribed Jacob with the pills just incase. For a few days he wasn't taking the pill, but Carter made him because he still believed Jacob was suicidal. When Carter was in the fourth grade, his father had taken him out of school early one day to explain to his only child, that his mother had drowned herself in the tub and that she won't be coming back. For a ten year old to hear after kissing his mother goodbye out the door moments ago, that's pretty fucked up.

Jacob popped a pill I'm his mouth, drinking from the faucet to swallow it down.

"Baby, pass me some shampoo," Carter spoke over the noise of water hitting the shower floor.

Picking up a new bottle of Suave shampoo off the shelf, he stepped into the step in shower with his husband, lathering up his loofah with body wash to wash the booth of them.


Flipping the last pancake on the other side to cook, the doorbell rang throughout the house.

"Jacob, get that please!" Carter hollered from upstairs. He was preparing for work, and wasn't ready to greet anyone yet.

Turning off the stove, slipping the pancake on a plate, he jogged to the door looking through the peephole, opening up the door.


Opening the door, a camera crew and other faces I've recognized, walked into the living room setting up their equipment. A man with a large box, walked through the door, "where do you want this Ryan?"

"Set it on the table, but carefully because there's glass in there."

He nodded, walking towards the mahogany desk. A woman, always different from the last time, walked into the room with a crimson robe on, sitting on my five- thousand dollar couch.

Ryan approached me while I went back into the kitchen to eat my breakfast quickly and leave for work.

"Hey, Jake."

I rolled my eyes, "Hey, Ryan what's up?" I stuffed the last bit of my syrup covered pancake in my mouth, rinsing off my plate in the sink.

"Nothing, just wanted to see if you were cool with all of this." He chuckled.

But not me. I don't find my husbands choice in career funny, I just support him because that's all I can do. We've fought over this on multiple occasions, but he keeps telling me I have nothing to worry about and that this doesn't affect how he feels about me.

"Yeah, I said it before," I said grabbing my bag, walking out of the kitchen.

Walking on my trail, "we'll be over soon and clean up everything."

I ignored him and grabbed my phone, ID, and keys off of the mantle heading to the door. Clicking the lock vertically unlocking it, Carter jogged down the burgundy steps, in his robe. He took off his robe and so did the anonymous girl. Both showing there naked bodies, while getting into position.

"Okay everyone, let's make some magic!"

So I rewrote the story and quite frankly, I like this plot way better. It came to me, but with the help of learning some other writers styles. So tell me:

•What do you think Carters pursuing in? And if you know, do you like it?

°Would you like to read more?

•What do you think of Jacob's "depression"?

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