The Ghost Of You.

Start from the beginning

''Georgina! Franccesca is here for you''mom shouts down the hallway,''thanks mom''I open my door and once Cessca see's me she runs to me and hugs me tightly,''I missed you so much!''she says into my shoulder,''I missed you too''we pulled away after a few more seconds,'' you ready for some concerting!?''she asks throwing her fist into the air,''hell yeah!''I cheer and we go out to her car,we turned on the radio and jammed all the way to the concert venue.Kids were already lining up outside,the concert didn't start for another 4 hours,''Oh my god! IT'S GEORGINA WHITE AND FRANCCESCA DE STRUCT!''A fan shouts,we go up to them and take photos or whatever they wanted us to do.

Eventually we had to leave the fans and get ready,people were being let in and KUZA were getting ready to play,when Kuza saw me he dropped his mic and ran up to me,he took me by surprise by crashing his lips against mine.I was so shocked that I didn't have time to think before I found myself kissing him back,I pulled away and smiled he wrapped his arms around me,''I'm so sorry for driving you away,every day without you was hell and I hated it,I'm sorry''he cries into my shoulder,''it's okay,I needed a little time anyway,I mean the timing wasn't convenient at all but I need a break''I shrug,''Oh my parents split up''I add,''Awh,Georgi I'm sorry''he pulls away from the hug and kisses my cheek,he picked up his mic and I could hear the corwd cheering as the lights went down and the heavy drum beat started playing,''this is my call so I'll talk later!''He shouts before running on stage and begins to perform.


As MIW's set was coming to a close it was my time to go up there and show 2,000 kids who I was,''so for this last song I'm going to be singing it with one of the most amazing people I have ever met,she's caring and she listens, no mstter how bad you treat her and over the past month she's had her fair share of that she is always willing forgive,This is the song that I wrote with the lovely Ashley Costello but she isn't here so taking her place will be Georgina Francis White!''Chris says into the mic,I pick my mic up and run onto stage,''how are y'all doing tonight!?''I shout and the crowd cheer,''this is my first time performing infront of this many people and I'm a bit nervous so can you guys help me out!?''they all cheer again,''If you know the words to this song then sing as loud as you can! do you hear me!?''I put the mic out to the crowd and they all shout yes,''I CAN'T HEAR YOU!''I try and make them shout louder,some girl in the crowd shouts ''aye aye captain''like from Sponge bob which makes me laugh,''you're amazing!''I tell her and she fangirls,''this is Angel Eyes!''I start,''there's something about you that I can't explain,I don't wanna know you I just wanna know your name''I sing,''Don't you try and hide with those angel eyes!'',''If you let me inside I won't hold back this time''Chris sings walking closer to me,''such a deep disguise the devil's right inside''I sing to him,''more than paralyzed, so it's the chase you like!?''he gets so close to my face we were basically inches apart,''I don't care how many times it takes to get through to you, it's a force not even god can stop,''he looks me in the eyes and I know exactly what he wants,''YOU'RE FUCKING MINE!''We scream at the same time,I start seductively walking over to Balz' keyboard,''you've got this power over me,there is no way to fight it''I bend over it and turn around,''I can't help but gravitate towards you,this is a force I can't deafeat''I wink at him before walking center stage again with Chris,we repeat the chorus and the song is over.

''GEORGINA!''KUZA shouts holding my phone in the air,''It's your mother it's super important''I could tell by the look in his face it was urgent, I ran off stage as fast as I could and put the phone to my ear,''mom!?''I ask worried,''get down to the hospital! you're sister's in critical condition!''she told me before hanging up,I grabbed my purse and ran to get Cessca's keys,this was an emergency so I'm sure she'd understand,I got in her car and rove as fast as I could to the hospital,when I got the the emergency ward I saw mom sat down with tears in her eyes,''MOM!?''I run to her,''what's happened?''I asked,''your sister, she-she- took her own life''mom cries harder,that was all it took for me to break out into tears,''is she......''I ask not wanting to say the words,''Not yet but the doctors don't think she'll make it''she says quietly,''ohmom!''I cry into her shoulder as she hugs me.


''Mrs.White?''The doctor asks,mom stands up and wipes her eyes,''how is she?''mom asks,''she's in a medically induced coma,but this way she has a chance of surviving''the doctor tells us,I get up with mom and we go to her room,I saw her there with her arms all bandaged up and various tubes going into her and It made me wish that I never took the stupid job at the club, it made me wish that I had gone to Law school because If  I had of done then this wouldn't of happened.''Hey Kiddo''I walk up to her,I know she can't respond but I've heard that they can still hear you when they're in a coma,''It's Georgi, this is all my fault Spence. If I hadn't of taken the job at the club and had gone to law school then this wouldn't of happened,this is intirely my fault and I hate myself for it,I'm so sorry Spencer''I hold onto her hand,mom went to get me some water as It I took a seat next to Spencer's bed,''listen to me Spencer,you need to survive, for me and mom, for Jordan and Lyndesy and everyone who loves you! Spencer you need to live and be free,your whole life is ahead of you and it's just going to waste if you quit now, I know you don't believe in gob but the big man didn't make this rad ass world and your amazing life just for it to be going to waste,''I tell her,mom comes back in with two cups of water,one for me and one for her,''thank you''I drink all the water,my throat ached from all the crying and the singing,my phone started to ring in my purse.I left the room and andwered it.

''Hello?''I answered sadly,''what's happened?''Kuza asks on the other end,''my sister's in hospital because she tried to commit suicide''I explain everything over the phone and tell him not to come because I don't want him to see me the way I am,weak and vulnerable.

The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months,no change.It was becoming  clear that she wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon,the doctors were ready to give up but me and mom still had hope,after all that is my name.''Mrs.White, If there isn't any sign of her waking up in the next month or so we are going to have to cut her off''the doctor tells mom,''please,give us more time I can't loose my girl''she begs,'' she has two months'' the doctor walks out.

It was now the 31st and it was getting close to the time where she was getting cut off, I was there for the fifth time today, this is the only place i've been for about 6 months now,I stopped talking to friends and stopped showing up to work,I haven't been to the label in months and I'm barely home, when I am I just drink and drink,Mom stopped coming to the hospital a few weeks ago she couldn't bare to see Spencer looking like that anymore,but I still had hope.she IS going to live and she WILL wake up.I know it.

I got up from my seat and went to get a coffee from the starbucks in the hospital when I saw Dani,''Dani!?''I called he turned and saw me.''hey Georgina,your sisters still not awake?''he asks,''news travels fast aye''I pay for my caffinated drink,''it's been 6 months Georgi, I don't consider that very fast''he shrugs,I saw loads of doctors and nurses run in the direction of Spencer's room,I ditched Dani and followed after them,''You can't come in here!''one of the nurses block me from going in,''but she's my sister!''I tell her,she shrugs and sends me to the waiting room where I waited and waited until finally a doctor came out,''you can go back in now''he says with a smile on his face,''Georgina!''I hear Spencer croack,I run to her bed side and tears were forming in my eyes,''you're awake!''I cheer happily,''I held on for you Georgina!''so she did hear me,''and I need you too know that this wasn't your fault,people have been giving me shit at school and I just couldn't take it with the added pressure of mom and dad,''she explains,''don't listen to them Spence,you know better than that!''I frown at her,''I know, but if you were me you'd do the same,because everything was NOT alright and I would rather of died''she sighs,''don't you PTV me hun''I snap my fingers sassily,she laughs and mom comes in,I leave them for a while and text Kuza.

She's awake...................

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