Kpop Songfiction Writing Contest ENTRY

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“Isn’t he like Narcissus?”, Juno giggled as she watched from her bird bath.          

Echo scoffed at the insolence. She never liked hearing that guy’s name ever since she had a double curse because of him. Living in the realm of gods and goddesses surely shakes the sanity out of her. She’d prefer living off with the ruthless and naïve mortals.

“You predicted she had my curse. And I’m pretty sure you meant the falling-in-love part.”, Echo reassured.

A smirk fell on the goddess’s lips as she brushed away the scene from her bird bath. “Oh yes, dear. I’ve been studying her aura ever since. You may just have the right descendant, this time.”, she winked at the grumpy Echo.

“I can’t let history happen over her. If she’s my descendant, I’d better save her ass from getting dumped.”

With Echo’s last words, she vanished from thin air leaving her patron, Juno, smiling over the thrill of what will come.

DAY 1 …

How I wish it rained.

The summer’s heat is killing me with its radar dominating my every pore. I tell you, one piece of sanitizer would be a wonderful blessing for a reeking girl like me. I was desperate in finding at least a meter-wide of shade but I guess fortune’s not on my side today. Well, more like every day.

I looked at my watch for the nth time and Jongsuk better have a decent reason to why he made me wait here for like half an hour. If he just tried leaving a message for me that he can’t be on time (again), then I guess I’d have the nerve to move from where I was standing right now.

You see, my boyfriend is annoyingly strict. If he tells me that he’ll wait for me in that specific location, he means it. AND, the annoying part is, you can’t even leave there or just stride along the vicinity because he’s OBSESSIVE-COMPLUSIVE like that.

Just when I was about to lose it, his car screeched right in front of me. Seriously? He knew how my ears rang up so loudly because of screeches. For the record, he’s scratched out two lives from me in just an hour. Screw boyfriend ethics.

“Ride on!”, he called me up when he rolled down his window.

Wow, what a loser. He’s late for half an hour, screeched his car on my face and he says RIDE ON? Oh you just wait for my naggings, Jongsuk. YOU just wait.

“Gosh, babe. We’re going to my friend’s party, not to the sauna.”, he kidded around.

I was practically trying to chill down as I fixed my face. I can’t have my sermon on this guy while I’m at my worst. I am seriously having reeks from sweat and my armpits aren’t doing a pretty good job either. And if my boyfriend is going to mock me one last time, I’ll try barbecuing him outside so he’ll know how it feels.

“Babe? “, he called again.


“You mad?”, he tried eyeing me on his mirror.


He pouted as he reached for my hand. Gosh, the nerve of this guy!

“Sandyyy, Spongebob doesn’t like karate fights.”, he tried pleasing me with those cutie pie eyes.

“Oh yeah? Cos she’s itching on shredding Spongebob to pieces right now.”, I said as I gritted my teeth.

I did hope he got the message. But I guess he took my warning too lightly (again).

I wanted to fry him right now cos his cocky attitude isn’t helping at all. He didn’t even bother asking me if I was okay for waiting HALF AN HOUR and he didn’t even bother to say he’s sorry. Now, I thought I was with the wrong guy but yep, he’s still my boyfriend alright.

Kpop Songfiction Writing Contest ENTRYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon