Getting to Math Class

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I entered the school with a large smile on my face and Merida by my side. Elsa was somewhere ahead of me. I catch her at her locker with her so called friends. Aurora stood by her and Cinderella stood behind Aurora. Aurora had wavy blonde hair and deep violet eyes that could cut through someone's soul. She had a long pink skirt like mine except lighter and a hot pink t shirt. She was popular. And it looked like Cinderella  was too. Cinderella had a tight pencil dress with a tight bun and tight shoes. A tight black choker wrapped around her neck. I guess she liked the tight look. I grinned at my stupid joke. I race up to Elsa.

"Hey, what's your first period?" I ask excitedly. Aurora eyes me, and I shift, feeling weird. Cinderella softly snorts.

Elsa turns to me. "Uh, math. What's yours?"

I smile when she answers. "Well, I have math also. You are honors, right? Cause that would be cool." I wink at her.

Aurora puts her hand on her hip. "Um, Elsa, are you in honors, cause that's pretty nerdy."

Elsa chuckles. "Of course not! Don't be silly!"

They burst out in laughter, but the snotty, giggly kind. Not the fun, realistic one with the pig snorts. I back away and catch up with Merida, who already started to keep on going down the large hall. Once I reach her, she is at her locker. Surprisingly mine is two away from her. I struggle with my new combo, and finally pull the locker open.

Merida comes up to me, 2 books enclosed in her arms. She leans on the locker next to mine.

"So, you have honors math, right?" She asks.

I nod. "Yup. It's on Level 2. We should get going."

I take out my textbooks and turn around. I bump into a boy with nearly white hair. He stumbles and trips on my foot, so we both tumble to the floor, spilling our stuff. I look up at him. A girl with short brown hair stands behind him. She taps his shoulder.

"I'll be at class, okay babe?" She says to him.

He nods. "Yeah okay. See you later, Punzie."

I study his face. He has blue eyes, sort of like Elsa's, but warmer. Not piercing and icy. He has thin lips and a pale face. He looks at me. After an awkward silence, I look down and pick my stuff up. A paper slips out and as we both stand up, he quickly catches it. He smiles at me as he gives it back.

I grin. "Thanks. I'm Anna."

"Cool to meet you. I'm a transfer, and I only know one person, my girlfriend. Rapunzel. It's pretty cool to be at this place. I'm Jack Frost." He says.

"Okay, well, um, Jack, see you later?" I chuckle.

He shrugs. "Sure thing. Bye!"

"Bye!" I say, walking toward one of the elevators. I pressed the button and a couple of seconds later a girl with long, flowing hair and sparkling eyes walked out. She smiled at me.

"I'm Giselle." She states.

I laugh. "Oh, hi. I'm Anna."

She passes me and glides down the hallway with a bounce in each step. I tilt my head, then shake it out. I head inside the elevator. When it reaches the second floor, I get off. A boy with sort of floppy black hair passed me into the elevator. He ignores me. I sigh and head down the right hallway to my math room. I stop outside the door and take a deep breath.

"Here we go." I whisper to myself. Then I walk in.

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