"You're still a dead man,"

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“You’re flat on your back and you still find ways to control my life,” Kelsey mumbled jokingly, shooting me a shy smile as she uncrossed her legs and stood up, stretching her limbs.

Chuckling, I smirked, “Just go home and sleep for a little. I’ll feel much better knowing you’re resting.”

Pursing her lips, Kelsey didn’t put much thought into it as her shoulders hunched over in dismay. “Fine,” She emphasized, leaning over and pressing her lips to mine for a sweet kiss, “But I will be back later.” She pointed at me in a warning gesture.

Pinching her hip, I patted her butt, “I can’t wait.”

Narrowing her eyes at me, she slapped my hand away playfully before turning to grab her jacket as she began pulling it on.

“Wait,” I informed just as she turned to walk away.


“Open that door for me, would ya?” I gestured towards it with my chin.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she gave me a perplexed look but did as I said anyways. “Okay? I was going to anyways… What now?” She questioned as she turned the knob, peeling the door open.

“Spencer!” I shouted enough not to hurt myself but loud enough for him to hear. Shooting his head around the entrance, Kelsey nearly jumped from the sudden face that appeared.

Spencer was one of the guards Paul had set me up with who happened to be somebody I had come to know for  years but lost contact with once I had gone to prison. We used to fool around together when we were set up to attend the same business deals.

“You rang?” He teased with a smile, his hands laced together in front of him as he stood before me upon entering the room with Kelsey right behind, her eyes looking back and forth between us.

“Do you remember when I told you about how I would be assigning a few guards?” I turned my attention over to Kelsey for the time being.

She nodded, “Yeah,”

“Well this is Spencer. He’s going to be your chauffer.”

Peeling her eyes from mine to look at Spencer, she took him in from head to toe, “Okay,”

“You,” I looked at Spencer, “You’re going to be watching Kelsey from now on, got it? Whatever she wants, you get it for her. Wherever she wants to go, you take her. If she wants you to carry her on your back, you damn well best believe you will take her. If she wants to go to the mall then back a hundred times, you’ll drive her.”

Raising an eyebrow, Spencer smirked at my orders.

“I want her to be comfortable around you Spencer so don’t try to be a snarky ass like you are ninety nine percent of the time. That’s my girl’s life in your hands and if anything happens to her, you best believe I’m going to kill you.”

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