"Things are going to start changing around here,"

Start from the beginning

Shaking his head, he let go of my hand, running his fingers up and down his face and through his hair. “I’ve been too preoccupied with other things,” He sighed, refusing to meet my eyes. “But, I’m fine now.”

“You’re not fine. You’re never fine,” I shook my head, staring somberly down at him. “What’s going on? What happened last night?”

“There are a lot of things you don’t know.” He muttered, taking a deep breath, “Things that you should know and I’ve been an idiot recently thinking that I could just handle it all on my own without any harm being done but I don’t think that’s possible anymore.”

Gulping down hard, I felt my heart beat accelerate with each passing second. “Well… what are they? You can tell me,” I urged gently, though a part of me fought against it, trying to convince me otherwise. “I can take it; whatever it is that you have to tell me.” I reassured him. He was finally going to open up to me, I could feel it.

“Things are going to start changing around here, Kelsey.” Finding my eyes, Justin kept my gaze in a firm lock. “Security is going to get tight; we’ve got a few people coming in later tonight—”

“Wait,” I shook my head, putting a hand up to silence him for a moment, “security? For what?” Fear flashed in my eyes as I tried to cope with what I had just been told.

He took a deep breath, a look of doubt crossing his face, “You know The Snipers, right?”

Slowly nodding my head, I waited for him to continue, wondering what it was that they had done now.

Licking the top layer of his lips, Justin shifted on the table as he pressed his hands to my knees, holding them as he leaned closer to me, almost in a protective manner. “They left Stratford—”

Relief began to course through me, “That’s great, Justin!—”

“No, Kelsey,” Justin shook his head, “it isn’t. They left because they’re planning something… something big. We don’t know what it is but it’s going to be dangerous and we, the guys and me, can’t risk them laying a hand on you or the girls.”

My face fell along with my stomach as I took this all in, not being able to believe my ears as I felt my throat close up.

That’s why we’re going to have security. There will be guards watching the premises’, two in front, two in the back.” Justin gestured with his thumb to both directions, “I need you to listen to me carefully, okay?”

“Of course,” I whispered, not sure what to feel at this moment.

“Wherever you go, you have to call me and let me know. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s to keep you safe in case…” Pausing, Justin closed his eyes as if remembering something, “In case,” He began again, “something happens to you… I’ll know where to go and find you from there.”


“I know it’s a lot to take in baby but this is very important. I need you to promise me, okay?” Begging me with his eyes, Justin took both of my hands in his own, “Promise me that you’ll do this for me... please.”

“I promise,” I whispered, “I’ll call you the second I decide to leave the house.”

Letting out a sigh of relief, Justin pulled me into his embrace as he cradled me on his lap. “Thank you,” He breathed out, giving me a kiss on the top of my head as he held me tight.

“Do you have any idea of what they’re going to do?” I whispered hesitantly, afraid of whether or not I actually wanted to know.

Justin stiffened underneath me though his hands continued stroking my back in a comforting style, “No, all Bruce was told was that they left but nobody leaves without leaving something behind. We all have a gut feeling that they’re going to come back but this time, there will be no mercy. They’re out for blood and they want to take us down which means they’ll go to anything even if that means… hurting you girls in order to get to us…” A pained look took hold of Justin as he frowned at the thought of anything happening to me.

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