"You don't want me to go?"

Start from the beginning

“All you can see is the wrong I’ve done in all of this… you won’t even let yourself see the true reason behind going to Bruce.” Pulling my lips into my mouth, I scoffed in discontent. “It’s like every time I try to do something good for you, you always find a way to twist it into something bigger than it really is.”

“I don’t care what the reasons you had for what you did.” He glared over at me, his eyes intense. “If you did it because you were trying to help or because you think it’s what’s best for me, I already told you, I don’t need nor want your help. I can take care of myself just like I have many years before.”

“You don’t even see what you’re doing to yourself…” I mumbled in disbelief. “You had a nervous breakdown, Justin. You’ve completely lost your mind and nearly bled to death and if you think that that’s you being okay or getting better, you’re clearly delusional.” Taking a step forward, I fought against the voice in the back of my head that told me to stay away. “I know I shouldn’t have gone to Bruce without consulting with you first but I couldn’t let them start something you guys wouldn’t be able to finish.”

“What goes on between Bruce and I, is just what—between me and him, not you.”

Shaking my head, I ignored him, “If Bruce would have instigated a war between you and the Snipers everything would have gone downhill. You’re not physically or emotionally ready to take them on right now. You can’t see it but I can and so can John and Bruce. Maybe later, in a few weeks or so, maybe even a month but not now. Not with the state of mind you are currently in.”

Vigorously juddering his head, Justin turned away from me, a stoned look expanding across his face as he clenched and unclenched his jaw, resentment radiating off his body.

Not knowing what to say or do at this point, I reached over and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder only to be rejected when Justin shrugged it off, a look of disgust clawing away as he scowled down at me.

“Don’t fucking touch me.” He hissed, venom dripping with his word he spoke.

My face fell as his words sunk into me, engraving into my mind. Retrieving my hand back, I tucked it under the warmth of my other, the cold air ripping through me. If it wasn’t for the gravitational pull my feet had to the ground, I probably would have drifted off in the direction the wind flew in and right about now, I only wished it were possible.

“I’m going to bed…” Facing me, Justin stepped so close that we were practically toe to toe, his face about an inch away from mine, almost making it seem as if he were going to kiss me though he never did. “And I suggest you don’t follow me.” Bumping his shoulder into mine as he walked past, I cringed at the sound of the patio doors slamming closed behind his disappearing figure.

Running my fingers through my hair, I tossed it to the right side of my head before crossing my bear arms against my chest, trying to conduct some type of heat as I fought the urge to let out a stream of curse words.

How somebody so loving, sweet and kind could turn into such a monster in the blink of an eye was mind boggling and I had just about enough of his bipolar antics.

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