"Have you had any alcohol?" I asked Austin.

"No, why?" He answered, confused.

"Because if you're drunk, then I can't do this!" I quickly pushed Austin's side.

With Austin's weight he would have barely moved with my pathetic push. To my luck he was standing close by the edge, causing him to lose his balance. He managed to dive into the sea, somehow making it look like I  was supposed to push him.

So much for my idea.

I looked down at the waves unsure if I still wanted to jump, I saw Austin swim back up to the surface of the sea and he looked up at me laughing.

Well, a dares a dare.

I jumped off the end of the pier, lifting my hands up on the way down. To my surprise the sea wasn't as cold as I thought, I swam back up and saw Mia and Kayla jumping in. Shortly followed by Riley, Mason and a few others who joined them.

I shook my head, swimming over to join Mia and Kayla,"You're crazy!"

"We all are!" Mia laughed, throwing her hands up.

"Bella!" Austin waved me to come over to him. "You ruined my chance to do a backflip into the sea!"

"Like you can do a backflip!" I teased, shouting over the sound of everyone talking.

"Austin James can do anything!" He gestured to himself, I laughed rolling my eyes.

"Even this." He whispered before pulling me closer by my waist, under the water and crashing his lips onto mine.

Austin was kissing me.

And I kissed him back.



The sound of Mia and Kayla arguing woke me up.

"Mia! You need to go and get my straighteners back!" Kayla shouted.

"They're our straighteners and I said Caitlyn could borrow them!" Mia defended.

"You hardly use them, therefore they are mine!" Kayla argued.

I glanced over at my clock which read 9:30, it's way too early for this. I grabbed one of my pillows off the floor and threw it in their direction, not sure where it went since I was still half asleep.

"Oh good, Bella's awake." Mia said.

"Well, I am now." I muttered, sitting up to face them.

"Bella, tell Mia to go and get my straighteners so I can get ready!" Kayla stated.

"No, tell Kayla to stop being so selfish!" Mia argued, before they both starting bickering again. They were getting along fine, what happened?

"Hey!" I shouted, getting their attention. "Mia, get Kayla her straighteners back for tomorrow. Kayla, just curl your hair for today!" I said before lying back in my bed. I didn't hear any of them after, so I'm guessing my plan worked.

"Kayla! Hurry up in the bathroom your taking forever!" Mia shouted, banging on the bathroom door with her fist.

Well my plan lasted 5 minutes.

"Okay. I'm up." I dragged myself out of bed and grabbed my leggings and a shirt out of my draws, Mia and Kayla still bickering behind the bathroom door.

"And where do you think you're going." Mia asked, finally giving up on arguing with Kayla.

"To grab breakfast you coming?" I offered.

"Wait, I need to ask you something first." Mia said, grabbing the clothes out of my hands and placing them on the sofa.

"What is it, I'm starving." I whined, let's just say I wasn't a morning person.

"When were you planning on telling me?" Mia pouted.

"Telling you what?" I asked, confused at what she was talking about.

"That you and Austin kissed."

I stayed silent for a while, unsure of what to say. I had forgotten all about that.

After the kiss, everyone hurriedly swam back to the shore. Once when we noticed our 10:00 weekend curfew was almost over, all the girls ran back in time.

All the girls except Mia, Kayla and I.

The three of us had left our clothes back on the pier and we wasn't too keen on the idea of racing back to the dorms in nothing but our bikinis.

Mia had text Caitlyn to distract Evelyn while we got ourselves sorted. Evelyn was on our floor when we got up there. We had managed to sneak past behind her and climb into our beds, before she opened the door to check that we were all in the dorms in time.

Mia could be a spy if she tried I mean she is pretty good at it-

"Bella!" Mia called, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Austin and Bella. I never saw that coming." Kayla mumbled as she walked out of the bathroom.

"The kiss was nothing. There is no Austin and Bella. And I'm going for breakfast." I stated, before opening the door and walking straight out.

"Nice slippers." An all too familiar voice behind me said. I then realised I hadn't gotten changed and I was still wearing my pyjama shorts, my baseball tee and my big fluffy rabbit slippers.

Not to mention I hadn't even touched my hair since I got up, it was placed in a messy bun overnight. If it was messy before I went to sleep, I didn't want to think what it looks like now.

I turned around to see Mason standing there, with his phone camera flash on as he took a picture. Riley snickering behind him.

"I better not ever see that photo!" I ordered, I knocked on the door and waited for Mia or Kayla to answer.

I glared at the both of them when they started laughing at what I looked like "I would have told you, if you never ran out on us!" Mia mentioned.

"Okay, were coming in." Riley shouted from behind the door, I forgot they were standing there. Riley and Mason both walked in with their hands covering their eyes, "Is everyone covered." Mason shouted.

We all laughed, "It's safe to look."

"Oh I didn't mind on just walking in, but Mason was the one who insisted we check first." Riley commented before lying back on the sofa.

Mason was like the sweet one in the group.

"What brings you guys here then?" I asked, sitting on the arm of the sofa.

"We were just passing through and thought we would come and see you." Riley smiled.

"And may I ask why you were passing through the girls dorms?" Kayla questioned.

"That's for us to know and you to wonder." Mason commented.

We all looked at him in disbelief "You're spending too much time with Riley, your starting to sound like him!" Mia laughed.

"What's so bad about sounding like me?" Riley pouted.

We were all talking to each other, when Mason pulled me over to one side to talk.

"Austin said he was taking you out today." Mason mentioned.

"Yeah, this afternoon." I had forgotten all about Austin asking me to tutor him.

"Maybe you shouldn't go..." Mason trailed off. Why would I not go?

"If I want to go and tutor Austin, I will! I don't need you to tell me what I should or shouldn't do!" I argued, my cheeks heating up.

"Just be careful." He muttered, before going back and joining the others.

Why would I need to be careful?


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Do you think Bella will still tutor Austin?


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