Chapter 6

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"It's never going to open!" I repeated for the hundredth time while Austin was still trying to open the door.

I was slumped against the wall trying to get in touch with Mia or Kayla. Why was none of them picking up!

I had been sitting here for almost twenty minutes while Austin was still trying to open the door. Who would have locked us in? Maybe it was the janitor or Mrs McCarthy, none of them would have known we was in here if we was still in the back cupboard.

A few moments later I looked over at Austin, who had sat next to me on the floor. He looked frustrated, either because he couldn't open the door or because he was locked in a room with me. Probably both!

He was staring at the floor, still looking angry, I couldn't help but laugh. Austin looked over at me, his blue eyes shone as he gazed into mine.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked, he didn't look as angry as he did a few minutes ago.

"You." I said still laughing, Austin glared at me. "Oh come on, we won't be here that long."

"Has anyone answered yet?" Austin asked.

"No. Mia is always texting on her phone, but when I text her saying I need her, she doesn't answer" I frustratingly pointed out.

Another ten minutes had past, it was awkwardly silent. Austin was sat at Mrs McCarthy's desk spinning around her chair and I was sat up the window, looking out for people I knew to walk by.

"Hey Bella, come look." Austin said laughing.

"What is it?" I asked as I started walking towards the front desk where Austin was uncontrollably laughing at the computer screen.

"Oh my!" I said as I noticed what was on the screen. Austin was reading through Mrs McCarthy's emails, which she must have left open.

I saw various emails from Mr Collins, our English teacher asking Mrs McCarthy on a date. She replied to him saying she was too busy for a relationship or dates.

I knew looking at these emails was wrong and was very much an invasion of privacy, but I was finding this amusing and at the same time, feeling guilty for looking.

"Austin click off it, it's wrong to look at this." Austin just stared at me blankly.

"She Left her emails open, meaning she left it at her own risk for me to stumble across it." Austin then began typing back to Mr Collins.

The last thing Mr Collins had wrote was, 'How about going out for dinner tonight?' I don't think Mrs McCarthy had seen the message since she hadn't typed anything back.

'Yeah, ill come.' Was what Austin wrote as he was about to click send I immediately flicked his hand away from the keyboard.

"Bella what are you doing "He started to say before I cut him off and told him to move up, so I could share his seat.

"If you're going to reply at least make it sound like she wrote it!" I said as I typed 'I would love to go for dinner with you, would you pick me up at around eight?' I then clicked the send button.

"I must say, I didn't know you had it in you, Prescott." He smirked.

His smirk changed into a smile as his eyes fell deeper into mine. I could feel my heart flutter at his actions, I wasn't sure what to do. We stayed like this for a few minutes before Austin's hand cupped my cheek, he looked back and forth from my lips to my eyes before he slowly started to lean in-

That's when the door sprung open, letting in an overly cheery Mia followed by a moody McCarthy a few steps behind.

"Bella I got your text and come and found Mrs McCarthy straight away, are you okay?" She blurted as soon as she come through the door.

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