Imagine... Getting a cat and showing her to Dean

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"Hey Dean look who joined the Winchester family!" You said holding up a fluffy cat.
"You got a cat?!" Dean jumped back.
"We got a cat," you smiled at your husband, "and her name is Patches."
"Oh great," Dean said.
"What's wrong? Don't you like cats? I mean look isn't she just the cutest thing?" You said giving Patches to Dean.
"Just-" he sneezed, almost dropping the cat.
"Are you okay?" You asked sitting next to him.
"I'm-" he sneezed again, "fine."
"Oh, are you allergic to cats?!" You asked concerned.
"Psh, no," he sneezed again, "I mean they can't kill me."
"We can give her back to the store if she makes you uncomfortable," you said running your hands through his hair.
"No! You love this cat and it makes you happy," he smiled.
"Thanks Dean," you smiled and kissed him.
He smiled, "You're very welcome, but now I have to go wash my hands."

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