75 days(Ethan P.O.V)

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I kept dreaming of her...she was in danger of something. Someone.

'Ethan, Good Morning. 'she said


I swore I heard her giggle. I got downstairs and hugged Amma good morning.

"What's up your tail.?Ethan? ".

"J.O.V.I.A.L Means happy."I said

Amma smiled.

"Is Vanessa coming? "she asked

"Yea. She is."I said

"Well maybe she can help with your ta do list."she said

I groaned and ran out back and.there was Vanessa.Beautiful as ever.

"Hey Ethan."She said

Every impulse wanted me to hold her close to me and never let her go.

I held her face in my hands and kissed her. Electricity flowed through my body. As I stumbled back. Vanessa was speechless.

"Uh...uh....uh...."she stuttered

"Its my way of saying hello."I said smiling

She giggled and smiled back.

"It's a good way."She said

I followed her to Old Man Ravenwood's hearse.

"I have 75 days left."she said

"What do you mean? ".I asked

"I mean in 75 days.I wont even care for you anymore. "she said

My chest tightened as I feared I was going to lose her.

"Don't say that V."I said

She let her hair fall over her deep blue eyes. I'm not going to lose her.

"Ethan I can't love you anymore if Im gonna end up a horrible dark .."

she droned.I held her close.

"Im scared Ethan."she said

"I know. "I said in reply

I kissed her again and we went over to the Sister's house.

'Should I be dressed appropriately?'

'You look fine.'

I smiled at the studded boots and ruffled short black dress. She was weird,I was weird. I loved her all the same.

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