Welcome to Gatlin : Population:Your Sanity

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I breathed in deep as I walked into class. Next to him...

"Hi,I'm Ethan. "he said


"Ravenwood? "asked a blond chick

"Miss..What's your face.Its Duchannes. Vanessa Duchannes ".I said sarcastically

She rolled her eyes as I smirked a grin.

"You know my momma says her whole family are Satanist. "says a Barbie wannabe

"Let's pray."said whatsherface

I tried not to do anything stupid.It made me angry.I starved for being normal.A normal non -Caster teen.

"Hey Ethan."I whispered

"Yea Vanessa? "he asked

I kept hearing what's her face and wannabe praying...I lost it.


I looked at myself ....I was cut.Not badly.But I ran out quickly.

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