"I-I know," I stuttered, looking down at my hands that were rested in my lap.

"I don't mean to scare you, I'm just saying it how it is. This investigation just got a thousand times more severe and it now needs to be put at the top of the list. It has been a long time since I've had a witness in a position such as yours, but it's important that you are under the proper protection while this investigation is still in swing," He explained, a more stern tone in his voice.

"So what's going to happen?" My voice cracked a little, but I was hoping he didn't notice.

"I can imagine that you're not going to like this, but you need to understand that murder witnesses are the most targeted witnesses than any other crime case and you're at a huge risk," He said, looking at me intently to observe my reaction.

"What are you saying, exactly?"

"Miss Lassiter, I am going to do everything in my power to find these men before you are put into the program, but the chances are very slim. Our main priority right now is to protect you and the only way to do so while this investigation is happening is to admit you as soon as possible." He stood up from his seat when the last sentence left his mouth, and he walked around the desk to stand beside me. I stood up as well.

"Can you please tell me what you are talking about?" I snapped, my patience being cut short.

"The only option we have now that the suspects are aware of your residence is to put you into the Witness Protection Program."

As soon as he said those three words my face dropped and presumably lost all colour. I was in shock, refusing to believe that this is what it had come to.

"What? No, You can't." I shook my head, tears welling in my eyes.

"Bryn, it's the only choice we have left in order to keep you safe. Whoever it is that committed the crime is after you and not moving you from them is out of the question. Until we have every last one of them sitting in trial, ready to be put behind bars, your whereabouts cannot be known by anyone," He finished sternly.

Your whereabouts cannot be known by anyone.

"What do you mean by anyone? Not even my family can know where I'm going?" I rushed frantically, raising my voice. I couldn't believe this.

"No, not even your family." He shook his head.

"This can't be happening!" I screeched, forgetting all about the fact that he was standing right there with me. "This isn't fair!" I yelled.

"Please, calm down. This isn't as bad as it seems at the moment, alright? This is for your safety and it has to be done."

I stood in my spot and ran my fingers through my hair, breathing deeply. He was right. This was for my safety and it was the only thing that could be done. If I wanted to make it out of this alive, then I had no other option. The police were doing the best they could, and I realized that finding those guys wasn't going to be any easier with the worry of me on their shoulders. It was best for me and the investigation if I just agreed easily and accepted what was happening.

"Alright," I whispered. "When is this happening?"

"I've never had to sign anyone into the program so quickly before, but the safest thing to do would be to put you in today, if possible. I am going to send you home with two officers and they are going to park right directly in front of your house until we have this all sorted. I'll have them discuss the matters with your parents and yourself further, and I'll have them bring you down to the organization's building as soon as everything is set up. This is an on-demand case as of now, so it shouldn't be a problem for them to admit you."

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