My Majesty, Your Majesty.

Start from the beginning

"The tension?" I repeat.

"I'm trying not to cum, like now!"  He confesses.

I laugh. "Oh, ok but I do so can you continue?"

"That's what I'm trynna tell you. I mean, you probably won't be able to cause in about 6 strokes it's gonna be over."  He states now looking back into my eyes.

"Well, if that happens, you can always eat my pussy." I joke.

"Actually, that's not such a bad idea." Majesty now licking his lips.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Fuck me!" I pull him closer and deeper inside me.

He continues stroking but just as he predicted, within 6 strokes his body is locking up on me and he's moaning and grunting in my ear. He rolls off me and puts his hands over his face.

"It's ok." I say, smiling and feeling quite flattered. "Just make sure your head game don't disappoint." I remove his hands from his face and climb on top.

 I must admit, he's quite good with his tongue, feels really good like he's done this before. I ride his face and throw my head back and moan, "oh, yes, like that, ooooh baby, right there, ugh yea, right there, I'm bout to fuckin cum". Before I could cum, the door opens and Desiree walks in looking angry.

"Yall, need to fuckin hurry up cause I want to go home! I'm bout to leave your ass JADE!! " Desiree crossing her arms looking more pissed off than usual.

Majesty rises up, making me fall off his face and into his lap. "Thought your name was Mia?"

I give Desiree the most evil look my face can produce, knowing that the bitch exposed me on purpose.

"Then fuckin leave me Desiree, I don't care! Stop being a hating ass bitch."  I defend myself while ignoring Majesty's question.

"I fuckin made you! You owe me you dumb bitch! " Desiree yanks me off the bed and tells me to get dressed or she driving off with my money and luggage. 

I can hear others asking down stairs what's go on. I quickly get dressed to avoid a scene and push passed Desiree and head to her car feeling anger, betrayal, and "the urge to fuck a bitch up".  Desiree follows close behind me and unlocks the car door. She gets in, I get in. We're sitting at a traffic light and my arm is shaking cause I'm holding back the urge to punch her.

"Where to?"  Desiree innocently questions.

I suck my teeth. "You can take me to the motel on Regis Ave."

"Nah, you don't want to go to a motel, Jade. They nasty and dirty, you can stay at my place if you want." Desiree offers using a fake sweet voice.

"I don't get you, Desiree!" I look at her with angry eyes.

She continues looking straight. "You don't have to get me. Just accept the help I give you."

I roll my eyes. "Ok, whatever."

Part of me accepts her offer because I don't want to be go back to that motel. I don't think I could stand being alone with my thoughts after who I've become tonight. Another part of me accepts her invite because as much as Desiree irritates my soul, I still feel like she helped me tonight in some way. Even though I didn't even get paid for fucking Majesty. However, I probably would've done that shit for free. That nigga got me feeling some type of way.

We arrive at her place and she helps me carry my luggage in. I sit on her bed and count my earnings tonight, it's roughly 3 grand and change. She whips out the wad of money, from fucking Daquan, out her bra and smirks. I snatch it from her.

"Thank you, I add it to my stack. Now I got 10 grand." I smile.

"Didn't majesty pay you?" Desiree asks, knowing damn well he didn't get a chance to.

"Go take a shower hoe. I don't wanna sleep next to you smelling like Daquan." I laugh.

"Shut up."  Desiree mumbles as she heads into the bathroom.

I head into the kitchen to make something to eat. I notice La La is now sitting up awake on the couch, looking confused as hell.

"La La, you good?"  I ask in a baby like voice.

"Uh, yea. Where, where am I? " La La looks around trying to recognize anything familiar.

"We're at Desiree's condo. We brought you here after you puked while heading to your car." I rub her head like a sick puppy.

"Oh, ok. I miss him so much." La La buries her face into her hands.

"Aw, La La. Fuck that nigga! He ain't no one to be worried about." I reassure her while rubbing her back.

Desiree walks out of the room naked talking loudly on the phone with her hair wrapped up in a towel.

"Jade, your money's about to be here, well mine." She hangs up the phone and grabs a blunt off the coffee table. I try to contain my smile and excitement that Majesty is about to be here.

"Aite, whatever." I nonchalantly say and pretend to be more concerned with La La's well being.

There's a knock at the door and my heart races. Desiree struts over to the door titties and pussy out.  She opens the door and retrieves the money from Majesty. My eyes lock with his briefly until I hear a screeching voice. La La jumps to her feet

"Baby!"  La La leaps on Majesty wrapping her legs around his waist. "I missed you !" La La says in his ear.

(A/N Wait What? What Y'all think about to happen? Tell me what you think in the comments below)

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