Chapter 9

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I don't know what has gotten into me. First, Daniel kissed me and I liked it. Then I told myself that I liked Jake more and started going out with him. Now I've kissed Jake and I wish I could kiss Daniel again. It's really confusing. I thought about breaking up with Jake but he seems so happy. I can't bear to hurt him. He's important to me and I just can't do it.

After Jake went home, I tried to sleep but, of course, I couldn't. I kept thinking about Daniel and what I should do. I decided to text him.


Hey I'm really confused and I need ur help.


What's wrong?


Well Jake kissed me and I hated it. It felt forced and I realized I don't like him as much as I thought. I don't want him to hate me but I need to break up with him nicely. I like someone else.


Wow. I never expected you to say that ever. Try talking to him about it and just tell him how u feel. He should understand. And who is this other guy?


Thanks. :) And I can't say. U will figure out soon enough.


Kk. Gtg ill ttyl. Bye!

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