Part 10- Inactive Bases

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Inactive Bases
Tons of gold/elixir , easy to steal . on inactive bases you can steal up to 450k only from mines/collectors. But how do I identify an abandoned village ?
Available loot anywhere from 20,000-450,000 Gold and Elixir in each of the Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors .
Over 198,000 of Gold or Exilir : that's the maximum you can steal from the storages , so if the loot available is more them that , at least the rest of is on the collectors . For example , is there is 300k available to loot , at LEAST 100k is on the mines/collectors , so plan your attack considering this .
Loot might be a round number , indicating that the Gold mines and Elixir Collectors have reached their capacity . Example : Gold : 45,000 and Elixir : 30,000.
All builders are found in their huts sleeping ( Floating ZZZ......indicates a sleeping builder ) .
No league badge : this means that on this league the player didn't win a single battle yet . He is probably not playing anymore .
Any X-Bows present are without a bowstrings ( indicating that it is unloaded ) . Similarly , if the base has an Inferno Tower , it appears dark and lifeless.
Abundant tombstones from previous deaths of Troops .
Many Obstacles , indicating the player has not been online to clear them.
If a player is not in a Clan ( no Clan Symbol on top of the Clan Castle ) this is also good sign that they are inactive .

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