"I want to go to District Four University." Annie states with pride in her voice. She should be proud. Thats a good school. 

"Really?! So do I!" Finnick says happily. He should be, they're dating. 

"I want to go to District Eight University." Gale says. 

"I'm thinking about going to District Twelve University." Peeta says. "I want to go there because I can still work at the bakery." He says smiling. 

"Oh, my mom just registered me for a tour at the University of District Ten. I want to be a veterinarian!" Madge loves her animals. The dreaded moment has come. They all turn to face me. 

"Katniss, where are you going?" Gale questions anxiously. 

"Um, I'm not going to college."  I say trying to drop the subject. 

"Aww, why not?" Annie says.

"Ummmmmm-" I get interrupted by a loud ring. Saved by the bell.


"Hey, Katniss! Wait up!" Peeta says running up to me. I turn and smile at him. 

"Hey Peeta." 

"Are you coming for pizza tonight?" He asks. 

"I have to work until 8, is it okay if I swing by after that?" 

"Of course! Just knock on the door and I'll come unlock it for you." 

"Okay, see you then!" I say waving. I walk in the direction of The Hob. I get there, and there's no cars in the parking lot. Weird. The hob is super popular. Usually anyways. I walk in, and hear soft cries coming from the kitchen. "Sae?" I walk into the kitchen, holding my bag on one shoulder. I follow the sound of the cries. I see John and Sae sitting in the Kitchen cuddled together. "Whats wrong!?" I run over and crouch next to them. 

"Katniss. I'm so sorry." My face falls. 

"W-why, why are you sorry?"  She puts her wrinkly hand on my cheek. 

"The district is shutting us down. We're all unemployed now. I'm so sorry dear." She speaks softly with sorrow on her face. 

"Why?" I say, pure shock written on my face. 

"No one knows. They just came and said 'We're shutting you down. I'm sorry' and left." 

"I'm sorry, Sae." 

"You're not the one who should be saying sorry. Katniss, you're young, still in school. Your family died a long time ago." I nod. Sae doesn't know I live in a tree. She does however know my family died when I was eleven. Five years ago. 

"Okay, well, bye Sae. I'll stop by your house soon."  I leave the restaurant, with tears beginning to pool up in my eyes. I had managed to stay strong for her sake, but now, I can brake down. I walk to the park, and find a bench to sit on. How am I going to make money? I'm gonna die. I'm already sick and I can't afford to get any sicker. I'm toast. 


 Peeta's point of view

The bakery is pretty busy tonight. At least I have pizza with Katniss to look forward to later. "Good afternoon, Ma'am, What can I get you today?"  The woman responds, and I take the money and go get the pastries. 

"Peeta! Can you get some more flour from the storage shed? We'll need some more soon." 

"Okay!" It's slowed down a little. My brother comes down and takes over the counter for me. I walk outside to the shed and unlock it. It's kind like a mini warehouse.Before I walk in, I hear loud sobs coming from somewhere outside. I look around, anxious to find the person making the sounds.I walk around to the back of the bakery they only got softer. I walk around the other side making a big loop around the bakery. I look around and find the park across the street. Thats probably where the sound is coming from. I cross the street and walk to the park. I see a girl sitting there in the pouring rain sobbing. I walk over and sit next to her. She still sobs as I try to pry her face from her hands. 

"Hey, Hey, are you okay?" She lowers her hands and looks at me. I am met with two silver eyes that are filled with water. Her tears spill and I wipe them away "Katniss. Look at me." she does, and I continue to wipe her everlasting tears. "Whats wrong? Why are you crying?" She sniffs and looks down. "I lost my job tonight. The district is shutting down The Hob and building something else there."  

"Oh, Katniss." I give her a hug "You can get a new job." 

"Yeah, well it's not that easy! I need a well paying job, and I need a well paying job now." 


"Peeta. I think I'm ready to tell you." 

heyyyy everyone........

Gasp. She's gonna spill the beans!

mmmmkkk that was weird.

Yikes. First day of school today.

anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! comment any ideas and feedback!

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do you want to know more about me? I don't care. 

If you want to follow me on instagram and vine i'll put those below. also you should add me on snapchat:) Fact one about me I love smiley faces! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 

Instagram: beccawuebben

Vine: Rebecca Wuebben

Snapchat: beeka.9 

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I love you guys thank you so much for reading!


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