Chapter 01|| Deadly Scares and Supernatural Abilities.

Start from the beginning

Afterwards, I pressed the light switch on and let the room be filled with it. I turned around to open the plastic bag when I suddenly heard the wooden floor creak.

"Jonah?" I called, "Is that you?"

No answer. I shrugged it off, supposing that I had imagined the sound.

A few seconds later, the floor creaked again. My heart rate slowly quickened and fear rapidly scurried through my body.

I turned around and saw a tall, light-skinned man standing at the door frame. His eyes were furiously set on me, his nostrils were inflated, but unbelievably, the man had no mouth.

I stared at him in horror, why was he in my house and what did he want?

"A-Are you lost, sir? Is there something I-I could maybe help you with?"

He turned to his right arm and typed something at a keyboard he had attached in his forearm. "No, Aida. Sadly you can't help me."

"How do you know my name? I-I never told you what it was." I said terrified. This mouthless man definitely wasn't lost.

"Aida, who doesn't know your name? The first Nymph in ten thousand years."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, how sad. You have such power and you don't even know how to use them. And the worst part is, that you never will." The robotic voice boomed through the house.

I raised my hand as if signaling him to stop when he started walking towards me. "Y-You don't have to do this!"

"You're worth a lot of money. By far, killing you will make me by far more money than the rest of them combined."

"Help!" I wailed through the window as the man was now only a few feet away from me, "Anyone! Please!"

And that's when I saw something like I never had before. A tree branch shot in through the window I had opened before, wrapped itself around the man, and dragged him out.

Flabbergasted, I looked out to see if I had just imagined the recent events or if they had really happened.

Then, I saw it again. The tree branch from the oak placed in my backyard was still wrapped against "mouthless psycho." A few seconds later, the branch threw the man away and I saw him land somewhere in the outskirts of Beacon Hills, very very far away from my house.

I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to accept what just happened. Did I imagine it? Was it real? Did a mouthless man really just try to kill me? Did my oak tree really throw a man across town? Was I really just called a 'nymph'?

I snatched the take-out and iced tea, then ran up the stairs to my room. I grabbed the house phone and rapidly dialed Jonah's number.


"Jonah! I need you to come home right now, you won't believe--"

"You've reached Jonah Miller, I'm sorry I can't come to the phone right now..."

I groaned, then shut off the phone. Where was my older brother, and may I say legal guardian, when I needed him? I could be in serious trouble and he couldn't be bothered to check his phone!

As I munched on my Caesar Salad Wrap, I decided to log on the Internet to see if I could have access any information.

I logged on Google and clicked on the 'search' bar and typed: Mouthless Man.

With that, I only found edited memes and weirdly disgusting pictures of people whose mouths had been cut off.

This time, I typed: Mouthless Killer.

Bohemian ◊ Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now