Chapter 2: Violet

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Hello, my name's Violet Rose Smith. I have 3 best friends named Adeline, Ashton, and Alex. I guess I'm the odd one out. They all have special features and talents unlike me. I'm ugly, worthless, and a wast of space in this world.

I guess you could guess that I'm depressed. I also cut and I'm anorexic. My father abuses me because he says I caused my mothers death. I guess he's right. I did cause it. I cause it because I was alive. I wish I wasn't though. I always wreck things. I'm a destroyer. I'm a mistake.

I'm bullied at school and online. Physically and emotionally. My best friends don't know about it though. They don't know a lot about me. They don't know about my cutting and my eating habits. I'm their pity friend. I mean why would they want to be my friend. I'm fat and ugly. I'm a wreck. I deserve to die.

I've tried to commit suicide plenty of times. It didn't work though. I've made my suicide date. 2 days from now. Hopefully I'm successful this time. Maybe people will finally understand that words hurt. But it doesn't matter I'm already gone. Far, far away from reality. I mean we're all mad here, right?

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