Chapter 2

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Andrew's POV

Ok, just think I used to go to this highschool where is the office? Come on Andrew Cleveland isn't even big how hard could it be. What's that? It's a girl, what happened? Why is she on the floor? I bend over to see if shes at least breathing.

"Hello, hello are you ok?"

"What, what happened?"

Oh wow shes beautiful. Her voice its so perfect, how do I get her to speak again? Oh I guess I could respond and not just stand here like a idiot.

"I think you fell, haha, here let me help you up."

"Oh this is so embarressing. Hi I'm Tara."

Tara what beautiful name, ugh I keep being this awkward person. Thats not me though why, why does it want to happen now. Fuck me.

"Sorry, haha I'm Andrew."

"For what? Are you new here?"

"No I graduated three years ago, haha you must think it's weird of me to come back."

"No haha, can I help you find something?"

"Ya acctually, did you guys move the office cause I can't seem to find it?"

"I was heading that way myself haha, I'm kinda lost to."

Great now I get to talk to her more. We walk along the hallways, that seem to go no where. I should probably speak again this awkward silence is starting to make me seem like a dull person.

"So what grade are you in?"

"Ummm haha, I'm a Sophomore."

Damn it she must think I'm a creep.

"So your sixteen?"

"Haha ya.."

We stop speaking what seems to be forever. I really wish she would say something. Then she does, oh how her voice makes everything seem so sweet.

"And you are what, twentyone?"

"Ya... I turn twentytwo in a few days."

"Haha, you look pretty young."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

We laugh for a few minutes, and then continue on in conversation. Turns out we have a lot in common. Her tatse in music, food, reading. Oh how i love girls who read, the only thing I can find wrong is that shes five years younger than me. We reach the office as the bell rings, she goes to turn a way but i just can't let her get away.


"Yes what is it Andrew?"

"This is kinda weird but can I have your number?"

She turned back, took a pen and wrote it down on my arm. I continue to the office and into the big door with the letters P R I  N C I P A L.

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