I slowly walked to the girls and sat down on the bench, while watching my raven fall into a conversation with Farlan. I was quite surprised – I expected of him to shield his emotions from me, but this was just heart breaking. Watching him, while he talks and doesn't show any sign to be overtaken by my gaze. As if all was back to normal. But, sadly, it wasn't and that led me to remembering, I still had some unfinished business to do.

I got up in a flash, unintentionally ignoring Isabelle and heading towards the line of girls. Isabelle shouted my name, forcing me to look back at her as she frowned and gazed at me stupidly. She was probably wondering, where I was headed to and I only waved my hands, gesturing her to be right back. She only looked even more confused, but she shrugged and let me blend with the crowd, where I was sure to find her.

After a couple of minutes, I finally noticed the light-brown girl in a corner, talking to Annie. She had her hands folded, but she spoke with the blond girl calmly, her lip twitching upwards, as Annie was barely smiling. Moving towards them I took a deep breath, because my heart was racing, while I tried to build large walls around it. My emotionless face remained, even when I was standing a few feet away from them, getting a little nervous, but I could sustain it.

I confront Levi for god sake, so this should be a piece of cake!

I almost felt like a criminal though, when I choked out a bitter cough to get their attention. Their melodic voices were suddenly cut in mid-air and both turned to face me with blank expressions. Annie looked at me sharply; her eyebrows furrowed while Petra didn't even try to hide her death glare. They both looked way scarier than usual, but I managed to stand for myself and slowly say:

''Petra can I talk to you for a second?''

I saw something sparkle in her eyes and she raised her eyebrows in surprise, her hands still on her chest. She exchanged looks with Annie, which stayed looking sharp right at me, when Petra finally sighed and rolled her eyes, whispering fine. She looked back at me mockingly, while Annie just played the role of her natural self. But the sharp acting never really matched her 'lovely' personality, as Isabelle would describe, so I pretend to not notice, as I added: ''Privately.''

I felt Annie tense her shoulders, but she didn't argue with me. Instead, she just examined me from head to toe as she did last time and walked away normally, leaving me and Petra completely alone. We were squeezed in a corner near the stands, isolated from our teammates and other girls. It was quite relieving, to finally catch her alone and get this over with. But Petra didn't think so – she still played the role of the ice queen, with her usually calm face now twitched up and trying to look angry. But even, if a part of me hated her for saying those words on the corridor that awful day, I couldn't let this silent war between us continue. I was leaving, yes, but I am no coward and if I start something, I'll finish it victoriously.

''Look Petra, I'm really sorry for what happened between us,'' I started, my hands flying around anxiously, as I took a step forward. I was kind of nervous to do this, but a part of me was just too tired for any drama. So, making this quick and easy, I tried to sound kind, when I actually felt guilty for what I've done.

Guilty and pissed at myself for losing control over her little bullshit.

So doing this was the first step to reassure, the past won't hunt me in my new life. But Petra did give up quickly. Even if I've apologized, she still looked at me with her cold eyes, her lips twitching. She was no kind for these situations, but she was good at showing no emotions. Instead, she chose a different way to approach this conversation.

''What happened? You mean that one time you smacked the shit out of me?'' Only the memory made her cringe and she narrowed her eyes at me, irritated.

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