Chapter 2

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"For how long are we in here now?" Trip asked, over the sound of the crying baby. It seemed like an eternity. "I don't know and FOR GOD'S SAKE, T'POL, MAKE HER STOP!" Archer said furiously. "It's not her fault" Phlox replied calmly. "But she's annoying" Trip threw in "She's in physical and mental pain!" the doctor was exasperated. The argument went on and on, until a loud voice through the com unit interrupted them. "Seeing that you all seem sick of each other, maybe it will be good for you to know that we are getting rid of you." while Paxton said that, a beeping started in the background and a mechanical voice said "Ready for compound destruction in: 90 seconds" "This is suicide!" Archer shouted into the com "I know" Paxton answered and took the com-system offline. Panic rose in Ensigns Waters and Mayweather. "What are we going to do?! We can't sit here and wait for this shit to blow up!" Trip cursed and fiddled with the door controls "60 seconds" the voice echoed. "C'mon..." the engineer's hands trembled. Waters closed her eyes. This was the end. "40 seconds" "Got it!" Trip yelled and the door hissed open "Run!"
"30 seconds" T'Pol and Waters were the last ones to run through the corridors, following the men. The young woman suddenly stopped, which made the Vulcan crash into her "What's the matter?" "Damn, we lost them" Waters mumbled, but soon continued running "20 seconds to destruction"

The men were already outside when they realized something was missing. "Where are they?" Mayweather asked. "Please no..." Malcolm sighed. Archer was about to run back into the building, when Phlox held him back "But they're not gonna make it!" Archer yelled at him "Neither are you if you go in there" Phlox stated and the captain nodded grimly.

"10 seconds to destruction, 9,.." "We're goners." Waters thought and stopped to look back. T'Pol was lagging behind, with the baby still in her arms. "Ensign!" she shouted over the beeping
Waters ran back and the Vulcan handed her the girl "No...but you...?" Waters stuttered. "Run." was all her superior said. Both of them started running together, but Waters was faster again.
Waters saw the entrance.
She pushed the doors open.
She was outside and headed for the shuttlecraft.
"1,...destruction ready"
She took the last steps and collapsed on the ground, the baby in her arms and gasping for non existent air, until Trip put an oxygen mask on her and one on the girl.
When she had calmed down a little, Waters looked up. The baby, leaning at her shoulder, breathed calmly, not knowing what had just happened. Her crew members were all staring at her, the building behind her was destroyed. "It's my fault..." she whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks "I shouldn't have let her alone in there..." "Hey" Trip said, calming "Maybe it's not too late...Vulcans know how to avoid inhaling dust and, knowing T'Pol, I guess she found somewhere to hide..." he didn't convince anyone though. "Malcolm, help me please. The rest of you, go back to Enterprise. We'll notify you of anything interesting." Archer sighed.

"They've been down there for too long" Waters said, pacing Enterprise's sickbay "She wouldn't survive this long" "She would" Phlox assured her. He had just finished his scans on the baby and was now caring for some of his multiple pets. Enterprise's com officer Hoshi Sato suddenly spoke through the com-system "Waters, to the transporter" Waters pressed a button on the panel "On my way."

"Enterprise? Do you read me? Trip?" Archer's voice came through the communicator, as Waters positioned herself next to the chief engineer "I read you, Captain" Trip said "How many to beam?" "3" Archer sounded relieved. The two officers smiled at each other. Trip's hands flew over the controls. "Transporter lock established. Energizing." Three blue shimmering silhouettes appeared on the transporter platform. One of them standing alone, another one, smaller and more fragile than the other two, leaned onto the third one. A weird happiness overcame the young ensign. She was never really close to Commander T'Pol, but she felt so relieved to know she was okay. "Welcome home" Trip grinned "Thanks" Archer laughed and helped T'Pol to step off the platform. Her uniform was ripped at some points, her hair was a mess and her face full of blood, but she was alive. Waters rushed to steady her. "Ensign? Would you please escort the commander to sickbay, while we contact Starfleet?" Lieutenant Reed asked, somewhat shyly. "Sure"

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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