Drowning is Fun

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Their conversation really messed up John's mind, how could two different times happen at once? Does everything freeze over there, or does everything wake up over here? Was all the times working up until 2015? Was the Revolutionary War happening right now, were the Pyramids being built as a band of tourists celebrated their three thousand year old birthday? Did all time stop at 2015 or did it keep going, where they in the past as well? Was his great great grandson just dying at age 100 as he pondered this? John decided to just let it go, there were some mysteries he would never find out, time, how he got there, and just what was going on in Sherlock's head. He blew out the flame in the oil lamp, plunging the room into darkness and curling up onto the bags of food, doing his best to sleep as much as he could without complicated dreams.

John woke up before his eyes opened, wondering what woke him until he felt an odd presence, someone, or something, was watching him. His eyes flew open, feeling perfectly capable of throwing punches when he saw Sherlock stumbled back into the railing, just about to set a plate of food on a bag of food.

 "What the heck do you think you're doing?" John demanded, closing his eyes again and trying to snuggle back into the makeshift bed, but it was a lost cause.

"I was giving you breakfast until you went into ninja mode. Don't kill me next time I try to give you food." Sherlock grumbled.

"You sound a bit grumpy." John observed, giving up on getting more sleep and opening his eyes once more.

"I am grumpy; it's another day with Irene."

 "I thought you had today off." John pointed out, sitting up and happily accepted the breakfast plate. "I have tonight off, this is going to be very busy, today and tomorrow, getting ready for the ball." Sherlock pointed out.

"So they're not making you work the ball?" John asked.

"No, they said it's more of a servant thing and I was more a part of the family, but I know it's only because if I'm not available Irene will throw a fit." Sherlock sighed.
 "You should be happy then, you get two nights off in a row."

"Yes, I suppose I should be happy." Sherlock shrugged. "But it's still a lot of work."

 "It's the price to pay I suppose." John shrugged.

 "Easy for you to say, you'll be sitting up here all day." Sherlock pointed out.

"Don't try to think it's all fun and games up here. It's hot, boring, and I don't have food or water." John defended.

"I should probably get you some then."

"That would help a bit." John agreed.

 "Feed the animals would you?" Sherlock asked as he got to his feet, about to climb down the ladder to get the food for the rest of the day. John finished up his own breakfast and nodded, setting the plate down and following him down the ladder and into the barn.
"I'll be back." Sherlock decided, flashing John a quick smile before disappearing out the door. John sighed, carrying bundles of hay to each of the stalls, where the animals pretty much attacked him for it. The stench coming from the stalls was strong enough to tell him that he had to clean them in the free time, which would give him stuff to do, but if the goats got out without Sherlock to help then he would have way too much of a problem on his hands. Once the last buckets of water were filled Sherlock showed up, very convenient timing for him, his arms filled with assorted lunch things.There was the typical bread, tomatoes, and cheese, along with a tall glass of water.

 "Here you are you free loader." Sherlock said, but there was a smile on his face.

"I managed to feed the animals without them eating me instead." John pointed out, throwing the bucket into the water with a splash. Sherlock walked over and handed him the food, pulling a piece of straw out of John's hair, his eyes twinkling.

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