Tommy Imagine #2

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You looked out your window. The sky was grey and dead, it looked cold and rain began to poor down. But all you could think about was Tommy. You missed him and each minute you spent without him made your feeling for him grow.
'If only he'd see me in same way I saw him' you thought to yourself.
You began to close your blinds when you saw someone riding a bike in the rain at fools speed.
"Who the hell is crazy enough to be riding in this sort of weather." You muttered under your breath.
You figured it was a boy, but was unsure. Thy were wearing a navy blue jumper with the hoodie on and dark blue jeans with black high top converse.
You realised the boy riding his bike Ito your drive way and quickly hopped off the bike. You instantly shot up and ran downstairs to see who it could be.
"Ding, ding" the door bell rang. You opened the door slow and calmly. As you looked up to see who it was your mouth dropped.
"T...Tommy!?" It was Tommy smiling at you shivering and drenched from the rain.
"Hello Y/N." He said chuckling.
"Omg Tommy please come in quickly." You said noticing his face going a bit purple. As he walked in threw the hall way. He instantly lost his balance and nearly fell, but you rushed to his aid in the nick of time.
"TOMMY! Are you okay?" You asked in fright.
"I'm f...fine, just feeling a bit weak."
"Why did you ricks coming all this way in the rain?"
"I needed to tell you something.."
"You could have texted me!"
"I'd rather say it in person...but first I have to do this"
You felt his cold hand cup the side of your cheek. And before you knew it, he had pressed his cold and frozen lips against yours. But then quickly breaking it. All you did was star into his bright green eyes.
"I love you Y/N"
"I...I love you two Tommy..."
'So that's what he wanted to say..risking everything just to say that too me...silly boy.' You thought as you giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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