Chapter One

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I was woken up by a bright flash of light, deafening roar and my body slamming into the hard concrete wall at the end of the bunker. I didn't have time to react to the sudden shock. My mind was fully alert and my training was kicking in. I looked at the other men scrambling around. I stood up and yelled, "Go! Get to the armory!"

As they flooded out into the night, I climbed through the wreckage to where my bunk was. Underneath a pile of charred wood I found my gear. Standard Kevlar combat vest, helmet, and various things such as knee and elbow pads. My rifle was in the armory rack across the yard, but my handgun was locked in place in my holster. I ripped it out and ran out into the unknown.

Before I get ahead of myself, I should at least give you the details. My name is Colton Grable and I'm a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. At this point in my story I'm deployed somewhere out in the deserts of Libya. The year is 2021. The U.S. is in World War III, once again with the allied forces. This time its not some European country starting it off on the wrong foot, its China and North Korea.

Its been about a year since everything went to shit. China and North Korea got the bright idea of launching a couple of ground offensives against Africa, Russia and bombing attacks of Paris, London, Berlin and New York.

Within days, I was deployed to Mogadishu, Somalia. The bastards from China had almost overrun the entire city but with the help of local militias we held them at bay for a whole 3 weeks before the Chinese pulled out. After that it was spearheading an offensive for a push to the middle East. We stalled out 34 miles southwest of Benghazi and it had been quiet for a week or two.

Or so it was until now. Fire and explosions were erupting everywhere. Troops running back and forth. I ran across the dirt strip leading to the armory. I leaped through the door as an artillery shell hit behind me outside and propelled me forward.

I ran to our platoon's gun rack and found my rifle. An M16, mounted on it a combat scope and M203 grenade launcher. I pulled a magazine from my heavy vest and slid it into my rifle. I hurried to the gear room, found my backpack and slung it onto my back.

Just as I was running out the door into the the hell around me, I was hurled back into the wall by another explosion. I looked up to see a Humvee, burning furiously and on its side. I jumped to my feet and booked it to the northeast where everyone was.

I ducked down into the trench just as more shells illuminated the moonless night. I ran past guys crouching down, hiding from the barrage of shells, some repeatedly checking their weapons, and machine gunners setting up. I got to my company's position and fell in next to our battalion's commanding officer, Colonel Jordan Derrick. Derrick was a big burly black man who stood at about 6 feet 5 inches, a couple inches taller than me. "What the hell's the situation?" I yelled over the roaring of explosions and rumbling of our guns firing back. "I haven't heard anything yet. Come with me, we gotta get down in the bunker."

When we built up the base, Forward Operating Base Donovan, we included the trench defence system and 'the bunker'. The bunker was a huge meeting room we built out of steel and concrete which had an entrance on the east side. It sat underneath the rec center we had for eating and relaxation. As we stepped into the cool, crowded room, the guard closed the heavy door behind us.

In the center of the bunker was a huge geographical map set up on a table. This map though, was a digital one. It received satellite signals that displayed our map and constantly changed to show everything happening in real time. Colonel Derrick joined the other officers at the side of the table where the Chinese were positioned. They were several miles to our east and had enough guns set up to demolish the whole city of Los Angeles. One of the officers spoke up. "Right now, Chinese artillery is set up on a ridge about 8 miles from here. We have no idea if they're going to launch a ground attack, or if this is just a disruptive barrage. Just stay put and keep an eye out."

Just as I turned around, the bunker shook violently and the lights went out. "Son of a bitch", I heard someone mutter. I stepped outside to find a thunderstorm had rolled over and lightning was our only source of light until the power came back on. The shelling had quieted down and now the only noises were trucks going back and forth and officers barking orders.

I sat down and looked back over to where I thought the Chinese might have been. I didn't see anything, so I slipped down deeper into the trench and leaned back.

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