5. Something Amiss.

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Rafael turned and slammed the off button on his alarm. Rolling back over, he smiled slightly at the sight of a sleeping Cadence. He left a small kiss to her forehead and slowly slipped off the bed as to not disturb her. Rafael stood and yawned. He heard a slight rustle on the bed, turning around to look.

Cadence smirked slightly, lying on her front and was propped up on her elbows. "Turn back around. I was enjoying the view." Rafael chuckled, shaking his head.

"We have work to do, encantadora dama." He removed his shirt, balling it up and throwing it into a hamper in the corner of the room. Looking over at Cadence, he winked as he walked into the walk-in closet. He shut the door, noticing the pile of her clothes on the floor. More importantly, Cadence's bra. Rafael felt embarrassed at the sight of it, quickly turning away and getting dressed.

Cadence stood and stretched as she got out from under the covers. "Do you mind if we stop at my place for a moment to pick up a few things? Some clothes, pyjamas...?" Cadence called to Rafael, who came out of the walk-in, having trouble with his tie.

"We'll have to make it quick, but I'm sure we can. Do you mind..?"

Cadence chuckled and shook her head as she stepped towards Rafael. She tied his tie, straightening it slightly to make it look presentable. Rafael smiled, slipping a pocket square into his breast pocket. Cadence slipped on a pair of Rafael's slippers, Rafael grabbing his coat and briefcase before the two of them headed out onto the street and hailed a cab, heading back to the bar.

The place had been cleaned a little bit, the bits of glass and the scent of alcohol removed. Trailing behind Cadence as they entered, Rafael frowned slightly at the sight of Cadence tearing up. Rafael tried to reach out, only to be gently brushed off by Cadence.

"I'll be fine, Rafi." Cadence smiled slightly at the new nickname she thought for him. "I promise." They walked to the counter.

"You wait here, okay? A woman's drawers are her private affairs." Cadence winked, and went to the bedroom, shutting the door behind her. Looking around, Cadence noticed that the words were still on her wall, bits of paper still strewn around the small room. She sat on the edge of the bed, away from the window, away from the angry words.

She had spent her whole life here. To see the place so broken, empty... It would have put James, the original owner, to tears. He had been so kind. Taking her in, asking her no questions, treating her like she was his daughter. Cadence felt the tears begin to fall, silently crying to herself for a few moments. She closed her eyes, wiping away the tears as she felt a cold metal to the back of her head, a hand wrapped around her mouth.

"Make any noise, you die right here," a familiar voice threatened. Cadence's eyes widened, slightly struggling as she was pulled towards the window. She had remembered her Self defense class, and the lessons they taught her. She bit his hand, using her heel to kick him in the groin as she pushed off of him, running out of the room. Gunshots behind her, Cadence scrambled into the bar area and watched as Rafael freaked out slightly as he ducked behind the bar.

"Rafael, quickly! We need to run."

Rafael ran, phone in hand as he called Olivia. Cadence followed behind him. Cadence heard footsteps behind them, looking back and tripping. Trying to pick herself up, Cadence was grabbed again. "RAFAEL!" She screamed, watching as Rafael stopped in his tracks, wide eyed as he watched Cadence have a gun held to her head. Rafael entered the doorway, about to take another step.

"Take one more step and she dies, Pretty boy." The man smiled, pressing the gun further to her skull, the cold metal hitting her skin. "We wouldn't want anything to happen to lovely little Cadence, would we?"

Rafael held up his hands, shaking his head. "Right. We wouldn't."

"Rafael... I'm sorry..." Cadence felt a tear drop down her cheek as the man laughed, shaking his head. He looked at Cadence.

"Poor girl. Always falling for the pretty ones." He pointed his gun at Rafael. "If you even think about following me, I'll blast her brains out. No hesitation, I promise."

Rafael watched in silent horror as the man dragged Cadence through the back door. He heard a car speed off from the alleyway, feeling a tear drop down his cheek. He pulled his phone out of his sleeve.

"D-did you get all of that, Olivia?" He sniffled slightly, rubbing his temple.

"Yes. We need you to come to the precinct. We'll have you work with a sketch artist, and we will get this guy. We already have a hit on the license plate that Ramóne had." Liv paused for a moment. "I'm so sorry, Rafael. There was nothing you could have done to prevent that."

Rafael let out a breath. "Yes. There was. I could have held her hand as we--"

"Rafael, stop. If you go down that road, you won't stop. Get to the precinct. We'll see you soon, okay?"

Rafael composed himself slightly.

"Okay. I'll be right over."

Rafael arrived at the precinct in 10 minutes, the sketch artist taking up around 30 more minutes. Rafael described the man as Mid-30's, Tall, pointed nose. White, brown eyes, rather slender build. Shaved head. The sketch artist thanked him, Rafael moving to the table where Fin, Nick, Rollins, and Olivia were.

"So, you said you had a location on our guy?" Rafael tried to keep his composure, taking a few deep breaths. "Where is he?"

Rollins gently patted Rafael's back, as Olivia brought up a small map. "The car that has the license plate had been spotted by a couple taking an early morning walk around the Chelsea Piers around 3 am. They say the car stopped at a small abandoned house on pier 63."

Amanda piped up. "That could be a place where children are being held. She did mention a park where she was usually held captive, right? We have two parks there, Pier 63 and 64."

Olivia nodded, looking over to Rafael.

"So?" Asked Rafael. "H-how soon till we get a team down there?"

"We don't know." Rafael hit his fist on the table. Olivia gave a slightly annoyed look to Rafael. "Rafael! We have to think carefully about this. There are other children there. God knows what's happening to them. We don't want to make the wrong move and have them get on the defense."

"Sorry, Liv. I just... I want you to find her before she gets hurt, or..." Rafael bit his knuckle slightly, shaking his head. "You had better get a team down there, and quickly. I don't care how many warrants I need to sign. Get down there. Now."

(A/n: Hey! How did you guys like that? Pretty intense, huh? I feel like I am making Rafael a little out of character... Idk. Anyway. More to come!)

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