Beary Von Pink # 2 (maybe)

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So the POV of this story will switch between its featuring characters. This issue follows a young girl named De who received a very special valentine present from her boyfriend one day at school. After she got home that day, she found her present had a lot more in store for her than she ever imagined. The present was a teddy bear named Beary. Beary Von Pink.

(De's POV) "What the fuck..." she breathed a in a bewildered voice as the bear awaited her command. "Nan? You ok?" Kat, her sister, asked De from her room. De gulped, not taking her eyes off the mechanically animated teddy bear. "Er... yeah!" she hastiliy called back to her little sister. "Just a spider! It's dead now!," she silently closed the door as Kat acknowledged her older sister's reply with a nonchalant shrug. The bear Tyler had given De was now looking curiously at her Nightwing vinyl figure. "Uh... Beary Von Pink?" De asked cautiously. The bear looked up instantly and walked towards her in a slow, natural walk. "At your service." the bear said in a polite and quick manner as it bowed before her. De nodded slowly, "Er... Right... Um, how are you taking and moving around?" she inquired inquisitively. Beary Von Pink then into a speech of robotic engineering that Tyler had put into the cute little bear. De shook her head, "Uh. I don't speak mechanic...?" She told the bear with a soft chuckle, "I do speak cuddle." she giggled. The bear tilted its head and responded, "Do you wish to cuddle?"

De shrugged and the bear nuzzled itself into her arms. She squealed, "Aw!" she swooned, cuddling the fur ball, she paused and pulled away slightly, "Um, hold that thought, " she said quickly as she put down the robotic bear. She ran downstairs and grabbed her father's laptop then raced back to her room. Her parents were out to dinner and wouldn't mind if the laptop was being used while they were gone. She hurried into bedroom and shut the door behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2015 ⏰

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