Are you kidding me?!!

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Recap: Seki came back to life and whole Liones was at peace. And they took Seki to a recovery room.

I'm still blushing from the current events. Blushing you ask? It's because of Meliodas, I'm blushing!

He said something when I was "sleeping" and he held my hand going close to my face. I couldn't hold it any more so I whacked him in the head and ran like my servants running away from my dog.

I found myself in front of the others and the King. I walked over and bowed deeply "It is nice seeing you again." He nodded understanding. I walked away and hid behind Merlin and whispered something in her ear. She nodded, and said some chants.

I saw Meliodas go in the room looking around. "What are you looking for Meliodas-sama?" Elizabeth said "That what is a who." He stated giving up "Who??" "Seki." I Ran over Elizabeth "I -" I clamed her mouth.

I whispered a 'shh' to her ear she understood and nodded a little. "What was that Elizabeth??" "I- I don't know.." "Are you sure.? " She just nodded knowing she'll blabber. He walked around and I walked to Hawk and Whisper a thank you he nodded with smirk I didn't know that Meliodas was behind me and grabbed my waist. And attempt to grope me I panicked and said "Sit!!" He fell face first on the ground. The spell was null because he touched me. Damn.

"What happened?" Hawk asked poking Meliodas. "It's an ancient spell only used by Goddesses. My mother put it on him." I state "So every time I say Sit! " And Meliodas dropped to the floor again "That happens. And yes I'm immortal and Demon. End of discussion." I walked and stopped "I'm not going to the celebration Eli!! " I said grabbing a book from a bookshelf.

~time skip ~

So the story was about a girl who wasn't an antagonist and a protagonist. But both Hero and Villain, she was under a spell because she killed the king and a boy. And then a hero came and break the spell. I stopped reading because of a sound calling.

"Seki were going to Camelot."
"The war isn't over isn't it?"
"Your kidding me? Right?"

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