Chapter Three [Final Beta]

Start from the beginning

"I don't like to feel like I owe somebody." Down the street, Zach walked toward her.

"Besides yesterday was your birthday."

"Don't remind me." Lizzie continued to walk away from Zach, but not as fast. "Can you give me a hint?"

Glen chuckled. "Let's just say it's data."

"Ugh, really? Well...umm...I look forward to receiving your gift. I know how data is like your precious," she said in a Gollum voice.

He laughed. "Maybe you would be more excited if I told you it was a way to get around the traffic shutdowns to external IPs in Provo?"


"A way to talk to survivors outside Provo—other than my genius self."

"Shit, really?" The explanation in The City was that Internet communications were out due to power issues elsewhere. This kind of bullshit was what made her want to get far away.

"Someone went to a lot of trouble to keep the rest of the world out, but I figured how to circumvent their blocks."

"Glad you're my friend, Glen, the geek god!"

"Let me know what you find out, ASAP," Glen couldn't contain his excitement.

"I will. Talk to you later. Thanks."

"Oh, and don't worry, I already wiped the GPS tracker off of Zach's phone."

"Wait a sec. Did you tell him about the mission? Did you let him track my phone?"


"What the fuck, Glen. Some secret mission. What kind of a person tracks a friend's GPS?"

"He made a pretty good, though violently paranoid point about you being pregnant and alone out there. Plus he was a good way to get you your present. He is supposed to give it to you after the mission."

As Zach got closer, she hurried her steps.

"Shit, Glen. This is fucked up." Looking at her internet history was probably a lie. Zach was spying on her. Even if the tracker was deleted. He could go to Glen anytime he wanted another one—maybe this wasn't even the first time.


"So is everybody else. Thanks a lot, Glen."

"Wait up." Zach jogged toward Lizzie. "Hey," he called softly, "what's your hurry?"

She turned and greeted him with a fake smile. "How's Nev?"

"Fine," Zach said, with a hesitant skepticism at the honey dripping off her words. "She's glad you're safe."

"I'll bet."

He stared at her like she was crazy. "What's wrong? I thought we were good."

"Oh, you're good."

"Who were you talking to?" he asked.

Her first response was 'yer mom,' but it didn't come close to dealing with how pissed off she was. "Glen," she said. Let him wonder what Glen had said. She spun on her heel and stalked away from him.

"Lizzie," his voice begged forgiveness.

"Fuck you, Zach." Lizzie walked up a rise toward a glow of bright lights on the horizon. Glen would be happy to hear the base had power. Zach followed close behind her like a chastened pet. She hated that he'd lied to her—even if it was just telling her a part-truth—he hadn't trusted her. With a sigh of annoyance and resignation she realized that he wasn't doing anything she hadn't done first. But it wasn't the lying; this spying shit was messed up. She wasn't sure what to do about that. Should she tip him off that she knew? Or would she have a better advantage if he didn't know she knew? She knew to watch for the signs now. Of course it hadn't been chance that he had found her out here and been able to follow her so precisely.

Straight Into Darkness - Deserted Lands #2Where stories live. Discover now