Chapter 11

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The next day at school



Billy:We just got called

Rick:for What

Tim:Do you not know. Did you not get anything at home??

Rick:erm I don't think so

Gil:are u sure

Aug:for God sake Ricky Ellington Lee Lynch

They all stair at him.....

Rick:How you know my full name if I didn't tell any of you

Aug:Err I h heard yo your brother say

Ricky :Which one Riker or Ryland or Rocky or Ross

Aug:Ro Ross

Ross and his group of friends came walking past

Rick:Ross Shor Lynch!!!

Ross:yes Ricky

Rick:did you tell Auggie my full name

Ross:Err who is Auggie by the way

Aug:O look at the time by

Rick:b but you didn't tell me Wh....

Tim:I don't know why he lie

Billy, Gil and Jessie:Same

That the End of the Story I don't know what to write next if you have any Idea's Comment please I might take your Amazing Idea's

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2015 ⏰

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