Chapter 9

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At the Lynch house

Ross, Ryland, Rocky and Ricky came into the house

Stormie:Ricky are you OK

Rick:I'm yea I'm fine I'm just going to my room to get the things done for later when my mates come.

A mintune later

Rydel:Ricky your friends are here

Rick:Ok tell them to come up

Rydel:Ok. His room is the one that have a letter R in dark blue

Jess:Ok thank you

They got to Ricky door

Billy:Ricky can we Come in

Rick:yea sure

Tim:whoa your room is amazing cool

Gil:Omg I love your room

Auggie:yea I wished I had your bedroom not that I like mine.

Jess:boys shut up


Rick:Thanks and let get this stupid project out of the way

Sorry it's short please vote and comment

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