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"Hey- erm..."

"Elias." He provided as he turned around to look at the only person that lovely voice could belong to; Kat.

"Yes, Elias. So about English. We need to meet up and do it. It's due next week and I have a busy schedule." Of course she did; Elias thought wistfully.

"Um sure- I mean it shouldn't take long. Just a poetry analysis of Keats." He shrugged. "Should be easy enough." She grinned and he swore then to God and all that is holy that he was going to just fall down dead on the spot.

"Great. How about you come to mine after school Friday and we'll see how far we get? You can sleep over if we need more time and we can go to your friend's party after." Again Elias sent a prayer to the heavens for strength.

"Umm sure- just remember my name next time or do I need a tag?" He winked and she- God behold- she giggled. Elias was about a minute away from fainting.

"Sure- what was your name again?" He raised an eyebrow and she laughed. "I'm kidding! You're Elias and I'm Kat. Now that we've cleared that- Friday sound good?"

"Sure. I'll meet you in the car park." Elias sent her one of his charmer smiles which he knew deep inside wouldn't impress her but she laughed and patted his arm.

"I'll see you there, bad boy." And with that she walked away from a thunderstruck Elias.

He still hadn't moved by the time Calum and his other friend Alex came around the corner and had to call his name three times until Elias noticed.

"Um- Lili? What's the matter? Kat's got your tongue?" Calum laughed tremendously at his own joke and Elias glared at him.

"Oh- I get it." Alex laughed a bit belated but the two other boys were used to the brunet's slower thoughts.

"Not funny." Elias grumbled and turned around to head into lunch.

"Well it was her though right?" Calum prodded and Elias sighed.

"She invited me over to her house on Friday and to sleep over if we need more time for English. Fuck, what am I gonna do?" Elias groaned and rubbed his hands over his face.

"Well- take protection." Calum cackled and Elias shot him a glare.

"I'm having a serious problem here." He growled just in time for their other friend Jack to hear it.

"Don't you fret, Jack is back. Hm- that was one of my worse ones..." He added to his shout of welcome. "Where's it hurt, little one?" Elias would be the first one to admit that their friend group was a weird mix but the four of them had been friends since their nursery times- a friendship he was glad lasted. With Elias and Alex being the Sports people, although Elias was also kind of a nerd and Calum as the popular nerdy guy, Jack was the most eccentric one in the group. He was into arts, with dyed, white-blond hair and tattoos covering most of his skin. His clothes were covered in paint more times than not and he was the first one to go to if you needed booze. He didn't do drugs, none of them did, but his reasoning was that it would "interfere with his artistic aura" and that is a quote. He was into all the esoteric stuff as well as the power of stones and shakra and what not. Elias didn't understand that side of his friend but he was the one to go to for the best advice.

"Jacky- my saviour." He exclaimed and slung an arm over his equally tall friend. "It's Kat. She invited me over to her's on Friday with the possibility of sleeping over, finishing our project Saturday and then heading to the party together! Help!" Elias exclaimed dramatically.

"Well it seems to me, my friend that you've got yourself in a right pickle." Jack hugged Elias' waist and raised his other hand to his chin, stroking an invisible beard.

"All I can say is that you should play it cool. Don't panic and if anything happens send an SOS and I'll come get you out." Jack smiled at his friend warmly and Elias was about to shower his friend in thanks when said friend was suddenly ripped away from him.

"Told you not to hug him." A deep baritone boomed next to his ear and Elias flinched but rolled his eyes.

"Seriously? You know I won't go for your man! Also that'd be really disturbing cause I've known him since he was like 3. Every time I look at him I still see that snot-nosed little kid with the constantly bleeding knees." Elias gagged and laughed at Jack's expression.

"Elias! Rude!" But Jack was laughing to as he turned to his boyfriend of two years, Sean. The big Irishman sighed and pecked his lips.

"Sorry, mate. I just get like that. You know me." He grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck with his big hand. You wouldn't believe it but the big, brutish ginger was an absolute science nerd. On first glance everyone would've dubbed him for a rugby player but he was a big softie who loved science and his boyfriend. At 6'6" he towered over everyone which is why most people wouldn't go near him at first but he really was just a big teddy bear.

"Let's go for lunch, my little lambs." It surprised Elias time and time again what nicknames Calum could come up with for their little group, but they all followed him like the lambs he'd described them as.

As soon as Elias set foot into the dining hall, he saw Kat and her group of friends at their usual table in the back of the hall at the window.

Her friends all dressed and looked similar to her and just like her they all rode motorbikes. They were the biker crew as the school had dubbed them. The Crew consisted of Kat, two other girls, two guys and one girl that didn't fit in at all. She was one of the nerds and no one knew how she'd ended up with the bikers but she seemed happy and many were sure that she was the only reason all of the bikers were passing classes. She hadn't changed at all, since she joined their group except for the colour of her hair which she had dyed a silvery lilac- and she was very skinny.

She must be Calum's type. Elias thought and sneaked a glance at his friend who to his surprise really was looking at the girl with that look on his face.

"Ha! I knew it!" Elias exclaimed and all four of his friends turned around to look at him. "Calum likes the biker-nerd!" 3 pairs of eyes now turned to look at Calum who, to the great surprise of all his friends, was blushing.

"He's blushing!" Jack exclaimed.

"He never blushes." Even Alex had caught on quickly.

"I- er- I..."

"Don't even try to deny it! I saw you checking her out!" Elias exclaimed in glee, while Calum was still flustered, searching for words.

"Calum is never at a loss for words- you got it bad bro!" Alex slayed and Jack and Sean continued to just stare.

"I never thought I'd see the day that Calum Kroy- the Calum Kroy, womaniser of first class, would actually like a girl for once!" Jack exclaimed suddenly. By this time we were all seated and Calum was busy stuffing his face to avoid having to talk.

"You can't hide forever, man. And we will get to the bottom of this." Elias promised and Calum choked on his food a little.

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