chapter 1

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I didnt want to go to the party in the first place, but my best friend, Mia, scared me sometimes, especially when she wants something. She always get its. For example, one time in seventh grade, a tenth grade guy took her spot. All it took were a few words whispered in his ear to he him running. To this day I have no idea what she told him, but every he sees her he goes running the opposite way.

I told you, my best friend is scary.

Mia: get off your lazy @ss its Friday and that means, PARTY!!!!

Me: NOOo, I'm sick though!

Well it was true... two days ago, but what she didnt know wouldn't hurt her.

Mia: fine I guess I'll have to come over and eye rape your bro, right in front of you. Maybe even cook you some soup.

My eyes widened. Not because of her threatening to eye rape my brother, everyone did that, but because she threatened to cook. I mean the last time Mia was allowed to cook she almost burned down my house, it took two weeks to repair the kitchen back to its original state. And all she was trying to do was boil noodles.

Me: oh whoops, forgot to check my temp again. Hey guess what, I'm not sick anymore!

Mia: good, I'll be there in 10, we'll grab a bite before we get there. And dont even try to wear anything out of your closet!

Me: fine

And that is why I went to a raging party where I almost got raped, but was saved by the residential bad boy.

She actually ended up being 30 minutes late, not that that actually surprised me. She walked into my room just as I was getting out of the shower, instantly my eyes shot to the bag in her hand, and I shiver involuntarily. She smiled and handed me the bag pushing me back into my bathroom. I took out what she gave me and almost ran out of the bathroom screaming like a crazy lady trying to kill her best friend. The key word there being almost. I knew if I tried Mia would just put me in the outfit herself, and she wouldn't be to gental about it.

So I took a deep breath and put on the so called dress she had picked out. It was a light metallic pick that made my tan really pop, and the dress fit me like a second skin, it hugged all my curves and ended mid thigh. It wasnt as bad as I initially thought, plus, it was better than the ones she had forced me into before, this one actually look really good on me.

I walked out just as she was finishing her makeup, she looked up and I could've sworn there were tears in her eyes.
"My baby is growing up," she said in an exaggerated thick voice.

"Oh shut up and finish me," I said secretly hiding my blush, because what she said was, on some level true. Over the summer I had filled out. My curves came in, I got taller, and I finally got boobs.

Her expert finger quickly curled my hair and pinned it up in a loose messy bun, with tendrils of whispy hair framing my face. For the make-up she kept it light, and with one last swipe of cherry lip gloss, she was done. When I looked in the mirror, I saw how much I changed from just last year, I went from little kid to dannng in just three months. Turning away from the mirror, for the first time tonight, i was actually excited to go to this party. I slipped on the shoes Mia picked out and shouted,

After stopping to get something to eat we finally made our way to the party, but the time we got there it was already in full swing, red cups and passed out people lined the yard. As we walked into the house Mia was almost instantaneously swept away. And who could blame the poor guy who could barley keep his hands off her. Since this was the first party of the year, Mia went all out. She had donned a pair of black stilettos, with a black skin tight dress that ended just below her butt, but she is by no means a slut. She hadnt even had her first kiss yet. And even without her killer figure, guys always fell for the blonde hair blue eyes look.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around I saw that it was a boy from my english class.

"Kasey, right?" He said, his eyes raking over my body, shamelessly.

"Ya, Duke, right?" I said, uncomfortably folding my arms over my chest, an area he had been staring at for a while. Looking in my eyes for once he smiled.

"It's Luke," he corrected.

"Shoot, I'm so so sorry!" I apologized.

"No worries, but you owe me a drink now." I didn't like the look he had in his eyes, but before I could say anything he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen, where the residential bad boy and the queen bee of the the school, were making out. I guess I was staring because Ryder, the residential bad boy, looked up at me and winked. Perv. I flicked him off, the queen bee Molly, noticed the exchanged and detached herself form Ryder. She turned around to face me, she shoved her make-up caked face into mine and said,

"Like what your seeing? Well stop being a freak and go get your own piece of action."

I just stuttered, "i-i-i I wasnt l-looking, I dont w-w-want action. S-sorry."

I could see Ryder snickering at my obvious discomfort. I shot him a glare that obviously said shut up or else. But he wasn't looking at me anymore, he was looking at Luke.

"Oh yeah, I forgot your a prude, well stop being a freak and get away, bye bye." She waved her hand, an obvious sign of dismissal. She turned back to Ryder to pick up were she left off, but ryder was still looking at Luke.

I turned back to Luke, who was handing me a solo cup with some mysterious brown liquid. I took a gulp and felt the swearing pain down my throat, ugh, definitely alcohol. I took another gulp, ignoring the feel I of the drink going down my throat. Almost right away I started to get dizzy. Luke saw me teetering and smiled.

"You wanna go dannnce wiff me?" I slurred. He shook his head no.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the kitchen and up a flight of stairs.

I tried to pulled my arm away, but it was as though I had no control over my body. I tried to scream but luke saw it coming and covered my mouth.

He pulled me into an unoccupied room, and threw me on the bed. I still couldn't move, even in my tipsy state I was fully aware of what was happening. Luke drugged me and was now going to rape me.

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