Chapter 2

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{jess' pov}
Days upon days of waiting
I basically live here,constantly listening to the beeping machine giving her nearly lifeless body the slightest bit of hope.i just sit here helplessly everyday and the fact that I can't do anything to help her physically pains me,she was all I had,my best friend. im not one to have many friends but lately the nurse that cares for Emily has become closer to me and do I hear the hospital gossip constantly,im not complaining though,seeing as it's nice having some company to take the thoughts of my mind.especially the thought of Luke Hemmings.even thinking of him scares me and now that Michael Clifford another of the 'bad crew' has been in a car accident and is being cared for in this hospital,I just know I'll cross paths with Luke.

A/N-I hope you like chapter 2,I posted twice because it's 2am and I have nothing to do,sorry if this sucks ly💗

|Loud halls|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें