News for GoM (Part I)

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~At Kaijo High~

A tall blonde boy's eyes widened when he saw who the call was from. 

"Akashicchi? What's up?" Kise Ryouta answered quickly.

The sound of dribbling and sneakers screeching against a gym floor was heard. He was currently playing a match, his last match against his senpais who has recently retired. (Most likely his last)

"Ryouta. Listen." Akashi said as he stared out the window of the car. Though it was very far away, Akashi could still spot the white building up ahead.


"Nagisa woke up yesterday."

Kise Ryouta froze for a while. "Wha- Are you serious? You mean... Nagicchi.... is awake?"

"Of course I'm serious! There's no way I can joke about something like this!"

Kise scratched his head. "Hah...That's right."

"I have already informed Tetsuya. I'm hoping that all of us can visit him together. I'm sure you're excited."

"Yes. I'm SO excited right now. I miss him SO much" Akshi could hear Kise's shaking voice, even if it was shaking ever so slightly.

"We're all the same."


"Now, if you'll come over to the hospital..."

"Yes. I'm coming."

Kise put away his phone and turned to the others. Taking in a deep breath, he made a 90 degree bow and said," I am very sorry. But I'm going to have to leave this match. I have something I have to do."

Kise closed his eyes for a second, expecting some kind of impact, but no punch, no kick, not even a yell came towards him.

The gym was silent.

Everyone could feel the tension and the seriousness coming from Kise, who usually gave off a playful and bubbly feeling. Everyone somehow understood that whatever was going on, it must be very important to Kise. At least, it was important enough for Kise to throw away the opportunity to play against his senpais one last time. 

"Go." It was the voice of the former captain, Kasamatsu Yukio.

"Huh?" Kise opened his eyes, surprised that his former captain did not argue with him. A puzzled look was seen on his face. 

"I said go. I can tell that this is really important to you." Kasamatsu looked away, avoiding eye contact with Kise.

After a moment of realization, Kise smiled brightly, and the tension in the gym loosened up. 

"Yeah. It is. Thank you," He said sincerely. 

With that, he quickly walked out the gym. Kise tried to hide the tears streaming down his face, but in the end, it wasn't left unnoticed by his teammates.

D.I.D: KnB x Male OC (YAOI: Boyxboy) [On hold]Where stories live. Discover now